New Holiday for workers who deal with the public

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I have an idea for a new holiday for all workers who deal with the public on a daily basis.

It doesn't involve any extra time off (in fact, people will probably volunteer to work this holiday).

I think we need a Speak Your Mind Day. For 364 days of the year service industry and retail people would still bite their tongue when dealing with the rude, the stupid, and the worthless people.

But one day a year they get to say whatever to whoever without a reprimmand from their employer.

They can live the other 364 looking forward to that one day.
That's very appealing. The only problem I can see with it is that it's followed by 364 more regular days, and you can't take back what you've said. It's still out there having its effect -- mostly as fallback on you. Unfortunately, the people who need to hear what you're likely to say are the most likely to be oblivious to it, and once you've said something publicly it's not yours any more. It can come back to bite you!

Said by someone with, happily, very limited experience as a wedding photographer. :censor:
That's very appealing. The only problem I can see with it is that it's followed by 364 more regular days, and you can't take back what you've said. It's still out there having its effect -- mostly as fallback on you. Unfortunately, the people who need to hear what you're likely to say are the most likely to be oblivious to it, and once you've said something publicly it's not yours any more. It can come back to bite you!

Said by someone with, happily, very limited experience as a wedding photographer. :censor:

Killjoy! All true. Kinda like if the wife asks "does this dress makes me look fat?"

A man hasta lie bigtime.
alternative is to say no it is all the doughnuts she eats that make her look fat.

doom da doom doom...
Hey ungreatful service fuckers, you say something retarded to me because you, with your vastly limited intellect, cannot comprehend the magnificience of my statements and you will get my fist instead of my money.