New invention idea


Villified User
Printer paper that can be used as toilet paper :clink:

think of the money and trees that could be saved. And it is the only fitting use for many printed items in the office anyway.
mmmm maybe you could make it so once its microwaved it breaks down enough to become soft enough?

It would make for a nice bit sniff to put the report in the microwave before heading to the smallest room.
Printer paper that can be used as toilet paper :clink:

think of the money and trees that could be saved. And it is the only fitting use for many printed items in the office anyway.
Oh come on, don't be such a wuss. Any real man could use 16# copy paper easily. :pke:
Oh come on, don't be such a wuss. Any real man could use 16# copy paper easily. :pke:

Kinda like using the colored pages from a sears catalog. Do not work to well for the purpose.

And yes I remember those days. No one hogged the "bathroom" back then either ;)
For me they are nice big bathroom with a spa type tub and seperate shower.
My home is not too large but nice inside. A seperate one holer and lav in by the family room too.
How do you decide which one to use? I'd consider it damn confusing. :p
For me they are nice big bathroom with a spa type tub and seperate shower.
My home is not too large but nice inside. A seperate one holer and lav in by the family room too.

Just to keep you guys from the north from getting confused, but a spa type of tub from Cinci-tucky on south, involves baked bean provided power, cinder-blocks, and a few logs below a metal tub.
Just to keep you guys from the north from getting confused, but a spa type of tub from Cinci-tucky on south, involves baked bean provided power, cinder-blocks, and a few logs below a metal tub.

No you are talking about heating water to scald hogs with at hog killin time.

Darn Buckeyes.
Milwaukee is full of John Wayne TP. Seriously, is there anything redeeming about this shithole? Anything at all? ANYTHING????
Actually, you are listed as a member and even posted there. You may have tried to quit, but it appears you didn't decline the invitation.
Funny I don't remember joining, but I do remember posting a single entry where I had raised the class level of the group.
Funny I don't remember joining, but I do remember posting a single entry where I had raised the class level of the group.

You have to join to post.

Btw I have gotten an invite to a group with no option to decline ??? Whassup with that ? Something about revealing screts...
You have to join to post.

Btw I have gotten an invite to a group with no option to decline ??? Whassup with that ? Something about revealing screts...
I'm not saying that I didn't join, just that I don't remember deciding to do so; yet I remember making that post. Curious how the antique mind works sometimes.