New name, with a twist


Uwaa OmO
Ok so the Bender thing has run it's course, time for a new name. And you guys will get to decide. Post #15 will get it, but here is the kicker. I have picked 5 names, numbered 1,3,5,7, and 9. Posts in between here and 15 (2-14) will make suggestions. If the post ends with an even number (2,4,6,8, or 0) that will fill in the corresponding number. The last number in post 15 will determine what name I get. So for example:

THREEDEE(post ending in 4):captain fanny bandit.
Captain fanny bandit would take the #4 spot. If post 15 has a number that has not been filled, whatever they pick is my new name, for at least 2 weeks.

SM's posts do not count for anything in this thread.

Pre-selected names:
0. Sugar Tits (submitted by Charver)
1. Captain Gordon Freeman of the Intergalactic House of Pancakes
3. An Hero Hiphopopotomus
5. In the Hall of the Mountain King
7. Samuel Smiths Famous London Taddy Porter
8. LIHOM (submitted by USLoyal)
9. One Winged Angel

This should be interesting.
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How about "Captain F. Frederick Skitty" or "Capt. F.F. Skitty" for short?

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