NEW POLL: Johnson Rises To 1st Place With Young Voters, Trump Last

New polling shows Gary Johnson getting 35% of the votes between the ages of 18-24. Coming in second place is Hillary Clinton with 30%. Jill Stein pulls ahead of Donald Trump, as she gets 14% and he gets 12% per the TechnoMetrica Market Intelligence Poll as posted by

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once they know how full of bullshit your platform is it will be over
Bunch of names & opinions attacking facts... The young voters are the future of our nation & they're already affecting the present.. just deal
That's funny.. you show these guys stats and they go off on tangents lol *butt hurt*

Evince AKA Desh is delusional and hates everyone who is male and is not a Democrat. She is constantly derailing threads and commenting about thread B in thread A. And she has plenty of time on her hands in her manless life.
Again.. I even pointed it out to you plain as can be and you STILL deflect discussing the stats & go off on other topics. Was this topic about economics and foreign policy? lol.. Why don't you discuss why your candidate can't earn the support of those under 25? It took young men & women to found this nation, and young men & women can restore it.