APP - New Prediction on democrat spin

Teflon Don

I'm back baby
So now that Kavanaugh’s confirmation looks like it will happen. I am cautiously optimistic but won’t discount last minute hijinx by the RINO Yahoos, we will be left to assess the repercussions

I predicted over a week ago that this was going to fire up the Republican base in ways the democrat party would come to regret. JPP libs scoffed.

Now all of a sudden some data points come out to back up my prediction and JPP lefties are forced to concede I was right

But being lefties they can never really face reality

Their new spin will be this

“Yeah the GOP is fires up now, but it won’t last. They can’t stay fired up for four weeks if Kavanaugh is confirmed. But boy those democrats are REALLY going to be fired up now”

Bank on it