New Prediction: Romney not McCain will win the nomination


Abreast of the situations
SC is a joke... Florida will determine the winner for sure.

If you look at what groups are voting for him he is winning the REPUBLICAN votes.
Again, I do not see the attraction to Romney...anyone stupid enough to list Battlefield Earth as his favourite novel and stupid enough to be convinced that the Garden of Eden was in Missouri is too damn stupid to be my president.
chap, i shouldn't have been so rude... glad you are finally in club rational, grab a drink pull up a seat.
don't be so sure blackflag. Why do you think it is that romney was able to get elected in a state of which the electoral base is only 15% of republicans? He's very good at pulling independents into the fold and as he gets more known on a national level you'll begin to see this.
I just think there are too many people that would never vote for a Mormon..myself included. Plus he is the biggest "wolf in sheeps clothing" of the bunch.
yes but a lot of americans are idiots and voting for the wolf in sheeps clothing seems to be our preference.