New Reason For Ridding World Of Saddam--High Gas Prices


Senior Member
It just doesn't get any better than this folks. Now the fools in the administration are shopping a new reason for the War with Iraq: the high gas prices that resulted from the instability caused by the very same War with Iraq. If this isn't circular reasoning writ large I don't know what is. Genius, I tell you, pure genius...

Rumsfeld Unveils New Justification For Iraq War: High Gas Prices

Prior to the war, the administration stressed that the United States needed to invade Iraq because Saddam Hussein possessed WMDs and had connections to al-Qaeda. None of that turned out to be true.

Now, Secretary of Defense Donald Rumsfeld has introduced a new rationale for the invasion of Iraq, high gas prices. From a radio interview last week:

SECRETARY RUMSFELD: The fact of the matter is - if Saddam Hussein were still in power in Iraq, he would be rolling in petrol dollars. Think of the price of oil today. He would have so much money. And he would be seeing the Iranians interested in a nuclear program, he would be seeing the North Koreans developing a nuclear program, and he’d say well why shouldn’t he - and he would. So we’re fortunate that he’s gone.

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