New roommate moving in


Worst gambler ever
On the 15th. And she's ridiculously hot. She's hawwt.

Good thing I have a girlfriend now or I'd likely fall in love with this one too. Shiminy.

Sick hot.
where the FUCK is this magical world where people live in Hawaii and have hot girls move in with them
where the FUCK is this magical world where people live in Hawaii and have hot girls move in with them

Dude. Its amazing out here. Post an ad on craigslist for a room, and suddenly hot women show up. Its like the holy grail or something. So now its going to be me, my other hot roommate, my new hot roommate and an absentee roommate living here.

And this new one, holy shit. I was trippin out when she got out her truck in the driveway. I was like "wha???? Holy SHIT!"

And she moves in in 10 days.
Me and the fat guy would have lots of fun, mind you. Fat guys are generally good company.

But I'd rather have the hot chick.

BTW Pics or I'm not taking you seriously beefy.
Where the hell are the pictures of this ridiculously hot roommate you are going to introduce me to?
Either Beefy is so good looking ridiculously hot women just have to live with him or he gives off such a gay vibe they feel ridiculously safe.
Beefy screens aplicants different.
Guys get the guy pad view (dumpy as shit), he hits them with cable, utilities, phone yada yada
Hot chick get the view (clean up by other hot roomy), no mention of cable bills, he's got a lunch prepaired by other roomy going in kitchen and he tells them he's always at his gf house. LOL
Word to the mutha freaking beefy
If I moved to Hawaii and did the same, I'd probably get a fat guy.
Dude....nothing personal...but you're no Beefy. Besides, for this to work you have to have some pretty righteous digs, with available rooms, swimming pool, wet bar, jacuzzi, view of the beach, etc, etc.
I thought you were used to it with sharing those bunkbeds with your twin brother?


I've told you several times, Dano, the picture I showed you was doctored, and I posted it because I found the result amusing. I am 6 feet tall and weigh 180 pounds. I'm not overweight.