New Show on Fox


Junior Member
its called Iron Bagger, kinda like that show Iron Chef, but its about bagging groceries... whoever is the leader would be the Iron Bagger, and he will compete with other novice baggers from various grocery stores all across the country... we will have a judging pannel as well, who will inspect the filled bags and see how they compare with regard to weight, size items etc..

there will be three sections

the first section will be paper, second, plastic, then lastly will be paper in plastic...

there will be strict time limits and no one can go over time. Judges will also have to take away points if the bagger puts soap or detergents in with the perishables...

its supposed to be a great show.
Look robdawg, you're poor. Poor people can't make fun of other poor people. It just doesn't work that way.
OMG I have to go to the bathroom now, I have tears in my eyes.....

"other novice baggers".......

Oh, man.....too much
Rob I'm convinced your political affiliation will ulimately have to do with how much money you have in your bank account. Once you got a fair amount you will be a staunch Republican I can see it now.
Rob I'm convinced your political affiliation will ulimately have to do with how much money you have in your bank account. Once you got a fair amount you will be a staunch Republican I can see it now.

I highly doubt that... id rather pay higher taxes and have less money than let holyrollers run the country... Im actually a Democrat again.

I highly doubt that... id rather pay higher taxes and have less money than let holyrollers run the country... Im actually a Democrat again.

We'll see. When you have enough money so that what they do won't effect you personally your view may change ;)
I'll admit, I get mad about taxes sometimes, but I'd rather work with dems to get them to cut spending and lower taxes and deal with republicans, anyday.
Yep and election time is often like deciding if you want to die of aids or cancer :(
gimme someone to vote FOR, not just voting against the worst one.
I'll admit, I get mad about taxes sometimes, but I'd rather work with dems to get them to cut spending and lower taxes and deal with republicans, anyday.

well then id get mad at the big tax givaway to the richest 1% of Americans.

Dems wanted more of a middle class tax cut.