New Warning From Al-Qaeda


You lookin' at my pint?
Government officials were reacting with stoicism last night, after the publication of a thirty minute audio tape puported to be from Al-Qaeda's second in command, Ayman al-Zawahiri.

In the recording al-Zawahiri threatened to retaliate against Britain for giving a knighthood to 'Satanic Verses' author Salman Rushdie. Asked to comment the Foreign Secretary, David Miliband, insisted Rushdie's knighthood was not intended as an insult to Islam or to the prophet Mohammad, stating “if anything it's an insult to literature, i mean, have you read any of his stuff?”

After announcing the government's proposals; for indefinite detention of terrorist suspects, a range of new terrorist offences, wider use of phone-tap evidence and a shoot on sight policy for “shifty looking foreign types” in the government's one-hundred and twenty-fifth Criminal Justice Bill, the Prime Minister said -
"We will not allow terrorists to undermine the British way of life."

A spokesman for Conservative Party leader, David Cameron, said “We are currently undergoing a fundamental policy review and cannot make any definitive commitment on any possible terrorist attack on the country. In general, though, we are against it.”

Meanwhile, stocks in compass manufacturing firms crashed on hearing the news al-Zawahiri had announced the “imminent end of the West” and in the United States there were reports of panic on the streets of Charleston, West Virginia.

“There's panic on the streets of Charleston” said long-time Charleston resident Lorne Greene. “What the hell are we going to call the freakin' State now?”
I think we need to modify the Bush Admin. talking point:

"If we fight them in Iraq they won't follow us home - unless they do follow us home"
Why the big revival of Salmon bashing by the islamic radicals lately ?
What did I miss ?

We've given him a knighthood. I don't know what the fuss is about. Everyone has a knighthood over here. You get one free with every donation to the Labour party you make.

I've got three. One was a birthday present....
Shame Viz has gone down hill so much lately.... ;-)

A cove only has so much spare time, you know, and would anyone seriously argue that it's not worth the £2.80 cover price.

In a word, yes.

That seems to be where the argument falls down. Mmm, in hindsight some forward thinking may be in order when composing one's responses in future correspondance.
ha ha ha! Since the highclass hooker strike for better wages it must be hard making ends meet, especially with a healthy drinking habit and the chimpanzee butler to maintain... But putting it up in the price range of the cheaper pornography (Fiesta, Escort etc) means it must raise its game considerably...

Maybe putting more naked ladies might help?
It seems we're locked in a vicious circle of rising prices to make up for a dwindling readership.

Fear not, though, as there is a beacon of light on yonder horizon. I really should be keeping this under my hat as it's all a bit delicate at the minute but nobody has really got to grips with this interweb tingle-tangle so i shall speak freely. It's been muted, in government circles, that they're going to replace the somewhat turgid WB Yeats with 'The Fat Slags' as a core component of the new English Literature curriculum.

If we can only reach the 5% of schoolchildren who have mastered the art of literacy, then we're on easy street and back to £2.75. Huzzah!

Well, if we are going to reach for the stars and have 5% of our children successfully passing exams in English, the obvious solution is to make the exam easier...

Not that I am saying studying The Fat Slags would be any less challenging than the complete work of Shakespeare, but it would certainly give the little darlings a chance.

Having said that, however literate our children are, at the current price you'll still struggle to compete with low-order grot, if you were a child with £2.75 pocket money to spend, would you buy a comic about Fat Slags or a magazine with naked fat slags in it?

It would probably improve your circulation if you wrote Viz in texttalk, of which even primary school children are experienced to degree level...
It would probably improve your circulation if you wrote Viz in texttalk, of which even primary school children are experienced to degree level...

Seriously, i've actually seen a final exam paper written entirely in text speak. It would be bad enough at A-Level but this was for a bloody law degree. Thankfully, some universities are still holding the line against the national outbreak of idiocy.

I don't want to get started on education though for fear of bringing on a minor heart attack, i mean they do coursework in Maths for God's sake. It's only the likes of us who remember what it was like to be able to fail an exam.
Seriously, i've actually seen a final exam paper written entirely in text speak. It would be bad enough at A-Level but this was for a bloody law degree. Thankfully, some universities are still holding the line against the national outbreak of idiocy.

U snd gtted, dd u nt gt a gud grade 4 exam? lol

I don't want to get started on education though for fear of bringing on a minor heart attack, i mean they do coursework in Maths for God's sake. It's only the likes of us who remember what it was like to be able to fail an exam.

We should just cull the modern generation of kids and start over again.... Its the only option I can think of, although when I emailed the new Children's Minister (Roflmao) Edward Balls, he called me all manner of obscenities...

Just bloody over sensitive in my opinion....