New Years resolution...


Mine is to keep speaking my mind...being up front and honest...will not waiver no matter what the is way too short to be a phoney...what say y'all???
Mine is to keep speaking my mind...being up front and honest...will not waiver no matter what the is way too short to be a phoney...what say y'all???

Mine is to try to be more present and conscious. I will waver on my beliefs if they are shown to be wrong. Not wavering "no matter what" does not automatically absolve you of the risk of being a phony. If you have a belief, and the belief is shown to be wrong, and you don't waver, then to a degree you are being a phony.

Mine is to try to be more present and conscious. I will waver on my beliefs if they are shown to be wrong. Not wavering "no matter what" does not automatically absolve you of the risk of being a phony. If you have a belief, and the belief is shown to be wrong, and you don't waver, then to a degree you are being a phony.

But the point in my diatrbe was to be honest and believe in what you say...the rest will ultimately fall into place without having to back-peddle..if ya get the drift???
I made a news year resoloution many years ago to never make another new years resoloution. I have faithfully kept that resoloution.
Why wait till new years day to improve oneself ? It is an ongoing process and should not have to wait on a specific date.