New York Times: Daughters of foot doctor say he diagnosed Trump with bone spurs as ‘favor’ to Fred Trump


“It’s the Great Pumpkin, Charlie Brown”

The daughters of a Queens foot doctor say their late father diagnosed President Donald Trump with bone spurs to help him avoid the Vietnam War draft as a “favor” to his father Fred Trump, according to a new report Wednesday.
Dr. Larry Braunstein, a podiatrist who died in 2007, often told the story of providing Donald Trump with the diagnosis of bone spurs in his heels so he could be exempt from military service, his two daughters – Dr. Elysa Braunstein and Sharon Kessel – told the New York Times.

“It was family lore,” Elysa Braunstein told the Times, adding that the story was “something we would always discuss” among family and friends.

The Times did not find documentation to help corroborate the family’s account, who described themselves as Democrats who dislike Trump, and Elysa Braunstein was unsure whether her father ever examined Donald Trump.

The White House did not return the Times’ request for an interview with the President nor respond to questions about his service record.

Dr. Braunstein rented his office in Jamaica, Queens, from Fred Trump in the 1960s, the Times reported, citing records. His two daughters told the Times that their father provided the diagnosis of bone spurs as a courtesy to the elder Trump.

“I know it was a favor,” Elysa Braunstein told the newspaper, who added that the “small favor” got her father “access” to Fred Trump.

The daughters of a Queens foot doctor say their late father diagnosed President Donald Trump with bone spurs to help him avoid the Vietnam War draft as a “favor” to his father Fred Trump, according to a new report Wednesday.
Dr. Larry Braunstein, a podiatrist who died in 2007, often told the story of providing Donald Trump with the diagnosis of bone spurs in his heels so he could be exempt from military service, his two daughters – Dr. Elysa Braunstein and Sharon Kessel – told the New York Times.

“It was family lore,” Elysa Braunstein told the Times, adding that the story was “something we would always discuss” among family and friends.

The Times did not find documentation to help corroborate the family’s account, who described themselves as Democrats who dislike Trump, and Elysa Braunstein was unsure whether her father ever examined Donald Trump.

The White House did not return the Times’ request for an interview with the President nor respond to questions about his service record.

Dr. Braunstein rented his office in Jamaica, Queens, from Fred Trump in the 1960s, the Times reported, citing records. His two daughters told the Times that their father provided the diagnosis of bone spurs as a courtesy to the elder Trump.

“I know it was a favor,” Elysa Braunstein told the newspaper, who added that the “small favor” got her father “access” to Fred Trump.
Even the MAGAts know Trump lied and is a draft-dodger. They just won't admit it.
I mean, the right really doesn't have much of a leg to stand on when it comes to anyone else's military service.
Agreed, but since all MAGAts are liars who support treason and an authoritarian pedophile for president, they'll happily stand on the graves of heroes and attack all veterans who disagree with them.

IMO, supporting treason is not free speech; it's treason.

The daughters of a Queens foot doctor say their late father diagnosed President Donald Trump with bone spurs to help him avoid the Vietnam War draft as a “favor” to his father Fred Trump, according to a new report Wednesday.
Dr. Larry Braunstein, a podiatrist who died in 2007, often told the story of providing Donald Trump with the diagnosis of bone spurs in his heels so he could be exempt from military service, his two daughters – Dr. Elysa Braunstein and Sharon Kessel – told the New York Times.

“It was family lore,” Elysa Braunstein told the Times, adding that the story was “something we would always discuss” among family and friends.

The Times did not find documentation to help corroborate the family’s account, who described themselves as Democrats who dislike Trump, and Elysa Braunstein was unsure whether her father ever examined Donald Trump.

The White House did not return the Times’ request for an interview with the President nor respond to questions about his service record.

Dr. Braunstein rented his office in Jamaica, Queens, from Fred Trump in the 1960s, the Times reported, citing records. His two daughters told the Times that their father provided the diagnosis of bone spurs as a courtesy to the elder Trump.

“I know it was a favor,” Elysa Braunstein told the newspaper, who added that the “small favor” got her father “access” to Fred Trump.

The daughters of a Queens foot doctor say their late father diagnosed President Donald Trump with bone spurs to help him avoid the Vietnam War draft as a “favor” to his father Fred Trump, according to a new report Wednesday.
Dr. Larry Braunstein, a podiatrist who died in 2007, often told the story of providing Donald Trump with the diagnosis of bone spurs in his heels so he could be exempt from military service, his two daughters – Dr. Elysa Braunstein and Sharon Kessel – told the New York Times.

“It was family lore,” Elysa Braunstein told the Times, adding that the story was “something we would always discuss” among family and friends.

The Times did not find documentation to help corroborate the family’s account, who described themselves as Democrats who dislike Trump, and Elysa Braunstein was unsure whether her father ever examined Donald Trump.

The White House did not return the Times’ request for an interview with the President nor respond to questions about his service record.

Dr. Braunstein rented his office in Jamaica, Queens, from Fred Trump in the 1960s, the Times reported, citing records. His two daughters told the Times that their father provided the diagnosis of bone spurs as a courtesy to the elder Trump.

“I know it was a favor,” Elysa Braunstein told the newspaper, who added that the “small favor” got her father “access” to Fred Trump.
QED on MAGAts supporting Draft Dodger Donnie.

The daughters of a Queens foot doctor say their late father diagnosed President Donald Trump with bone spurs to help him avoid the Vietnam War draft as a “favor” to his father Fred Trump, according to a new report Wednesday.
Dr. Larry Braunstein, a podiatrist who died in 2007, often told the story of providing Donald Trump with the diagnosis of bone spurs in his heels so he could be exempt from military service, his two daughters – Dr. Elysa Braunstein and Sharon Kessel – told the New York Times.

“It was family lore,” Elysa Braunstein told the Times, adding that the story was “something we would always discuss” among family and friends.

The Times did not find documentation to help corroborate the family’s account, who described themselves as Democrats who dislike Trump, and Elysa Braunstein was unsure whether her father ever examined Donald Trump.

The White House did not return the Times’ request for an interview with the President nor respond to questions about his service record.

Dr. Braunstein rented his office in Jamaica, Queens, from Fred Trump in the 1960s, the Times reported, citing records. His two daughters told the Times that their father provided the diagnosis of bone spurs as a courtesy to the elder Trump.

“I know it was a favor,” Elysa Braunstein told the newspaper, who added that the “small favor” got her father “access” to Fred Trump.
Then the asshole should lose his license skank.

The daughters of a Queens foot doctor say their late father diagnosed President Donald Trump with bone spurs to help him avoid the Vietnam War draft as a “favor” to his father Fred Trump, according to a new report Wednesday.
Dr. Larry Braunstein, a podiatrist who died in 2007, often told the story of providing Donald Trump with the diagnosis of bone spurs in his heels so he could be exempt from military service, his two daughters – Dr. Elysa Braunstein and Sharon Kessel – told the New York Times.

“It was family lore,” Elysa Braunstein told the Times, adding that the story was “something we would always discuss” among family and friends.

The Times did not find documentation to help corroborate the family’s account, who described themselves as Democrats who dislike Trump, and Elysa Braunstein was unsure whether her father ever examined Donald Trump.

The White House did not return the Times’ request for an interview with the President nor respond to questions about his service record.

Dr. Braunstein rented his office in Jamaica, Queens, from Fred Trump in the 1960s, the Times reported, citing records. His two daughters told the Times that their father provided the diagnosis of bone spurs as a courtesy to the elder Trump.

“I know it was a favor,” Elysa Braunstein told the newspaper, who added that the “small favor” got her father “access” to Fred Trump.
This is simply reality in America.
When we have conscription to military service,
those with influential contacts can easily dodge the draft
and those without them can't.
It's always been that way.

I could have dodged the draft and didn't.
I still ask myself why, here, now, in a different century.

I seriously hate Donald Trump
but avoiding participation in the Vietnam War
is not something that I'd ever hold against anybody.

As an honorably discharged veteran,
I bear animosity to nobody who dodged that stupid fucking war.

Unless, of course, I bear that animosity for a totally different reason....
as with the pigfucking orangutan Trump.
I don't think he's practicing anymore...;)
Now it makes sense. But we are supposed to believe people like this doctor have integrity? It's amazing how shit like this damages their image but they think it helps them. No integrity AND stupid.
Now it makes sense. But we are supposed to believe people like this doctor have integrity? It's amazing how shit like this damages their image but they think it helps them. No integrity AND stupid.
I suppose he might have done it but I seriously doubt it... It would have been revealed before this had that been The case they're just making stuff up now... (No one would have risked their license back then...)
There has never been any dispute that Trump's dad paid off a doctor to say Daffy had bone spurs. Trump. the poor guy, says his Viet Nam was avoiding STDs. Soldiers think they had it tough.
She's creeping to the Top when it come to the number of Troll threads these's got to be some kind of record...such dedication...all one else has a chance...(sorry Jarod)...:)
And if anyone should know from trolls, it's you, doxing stalker trollgrrl. :laugh:

It's weird to watch you sob and stomp over the #IllegalTrumpArlingtonPhotoOp and lie that Biden/Harris "ignored" the families -- while ardently supporting a draft-dodging chickenshit who refers to those same veterans as "suckers" and "losers." You truly do have no morals, principles, honor, or honesty. But at least you have your hypocrisy to keep you warm at night. Sucks to be such a "better person." :rofl2:

The daughters of a Queens foot doctor say their late father diagnosed President Donald Trump with bone spurs to help him avoid the Vietnam War draft as a “favor” to his father Fred Trump, according to a new report Wednesday.
Dr. Larry Braunstein, a podiatrist who died in 2007, often told the story of providing Donald Trump with the diagnosis of bone spurs in his heels so he could be exempt from military service, his two daughters – Dr. Elysa Braunstein and Sharon Kessel – told the New York Times.

“It was family lore,” Elysa Braunstein told the Times, adding that the story was “something we would always discuss” among family and friends.

The Times did not find documentation to help corroborate the family’s account, who described themselves as Democrats who dislike Trump, and Elysa Braunstein was unsure whether her father ever examined Donald Trump.

The White House did not return the Times’ request for an interview with the President nor respond to questions about his service record.

Dr. Braunstein rented his office in Jamaica, Queens, from Fred Trump in the 1960s, the Times reported, citing records. His two daughters told the Times that their father provided the diagnosis of bone spurs as a courtesy to the elder Trump.

“I know it was a favor,” Elysa Braunstein told the newspaper, who added that the “small favor” got her father “access” to Fred Trump.
Not a new report though. It's been out there from the daughters for some time.

The daughters of a Queens foot doctor say their late father diagnosed President Donald Trump with bone spurs to help him avoid the Vietnam War draft as a “favor” to his father Fred Trump, according to a new report Wednesday.
Dr. Larry Braunstein, a podiatrist who died in 2007, often told the story of providing Donald Trump with the diagnosis of bone spurs in his heels so he could be exempt from military service, his two daughters – Dr. Elysa Braunstein and Sharon Kessel – told the New York Times.

“It was family lore,” Elysa Braunstein told the Times, adding that the story was “something we would always discuss” among family and friends.

The Times did not find documentation to help corroborate the family’s account, who described themselves as Democrats who dislike Trump, and Elysa Braunstein was unsure whether her father ever examined Donald Trump.

The White House did not return the Times’ request for an interview with the President nor respond to questions about his service record.

Dr. Braunstein rented his office in Jamaica, Queens, from Fred Trump in the 1960s, the Times reported, citing records. His two daughters told the Times that their father provided the diagnosis of bone spurs as a courtesy to the elder Trump.

“I know it was a favor,” Elysa Braunstein told the newspaper, who added that the “small favor” got her father “access” to Fred Trump.
So they say..who were 3 and 6 at the time

Tim Walz’s military colleagues slam VP nominee as ‘habitual liar’​

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National Guard veterans who served with Tim Walz tell Megyn Kelly he's a 'coward' and a 'military impersonator' for exaggerating his record​

  • So they say...who were grown men at the time..witnessed first hand
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