New Yorkers hail cab - then drive to Arizona


Will work for Scooby snacks
this is what's so funny about NYC.

There are people who have lived their whole lives in NYC, and have never driven, or gotten a driver's liscence. I guess you pretty much don't have to drive in NYC.

Anyway, a NYC couple who don't drive, hailed a cab and had the driver take them to Arizona:

April 9, 2007

New York couple hails cab for 2,400-mile trip

NEW YORK - Betty and Bob Matas have retired and are moving to Arizona, but like many New Yorkers they don’t drive, and they don’t want their cats to travel all that way in an airliner cargo hold.

Their solution: “Hey, cabbie.”
this is what's so funny about NYC.

There are people who have lived their whole lives in NYC, and have never driven, or gotten a driver's liscence. I guess you pretty much don't have to drive in NYC.

Anyway, a NYC couple who don't drive, hailed a cab and had the driver take them to Arizona:

NYC is one place that it's more of a pain to have a car than to not have one. Because there is pretty much a subway station or a bus stop on every corner, but there's very little parking for your car.

But this is pretty funny.
NYC is one place that it's more of a pain to have a car than to not have one. Because there is pretty much a subway station or a bus stop on every corner, but there's very little parking for your car.

But this is pretty funny.

I'm sure this couple spent their whole lives taking cabs anytime they needed to go somewhere. I bet this couple didn't even think twice, about taking a cab to arizona. It seemed perfectly natural to them. They totally ripped off the driver though. I think they only paid him $2400. Rip off!
I read this yesterday! It looks like its going to be a bit of an adventure for the taxi-driver too. I would probably do something like that if I drove a cab for 10 years or so. It'll be a nice change of scenery and adventure for him too.
My cousin Ricky Lee was in New Yawk City once. He's the only one of us got himself a real education and his high-flying career as a train conducter takes him lots of places. Anyway, he had been hearing about all these famous new york delis so he goes into one and asks the guy behind the counter for 50 cents worth of roast beef.

And guy says to him "what?" So he repeats himself, "give me 50 cents worth of roast beef". So the counter guy goes and slices off a piece of roast beef and comes back, holds it under Ricky Lee's nose, and says "do you smell that?' so Ricky says "I sure does".

And the counter guy goes "well, you just got 50 cents of roast beef then, now get the fuck out of here"

Then New Yawkers wonder why they got such bad reputations. In my neck of the woods, you ask for 50 cents worth of roast beef, and you are a big spender.
Why would you pay 2400 to go to Arizona from New York. A flight wouldn't cost anything near that.

Maybe they are like my mother who in her 88 years has only been on a plane twice and hated it.

Fear of flying and if they can afford $2,400, why not!
I wonder why this is such a story... I mean, they simply negotiated for a private driver to take them to Arizona.
I wonder why this is such a story... I mean, they simply negotiated for a private driver to take them to Arizona.

Its a New York quirky thing.

To most of us, the concept of not having a driver's liscence, and never having driven a car is a foreign concept.

I could have rented a car, and driven to arizona from New York, for a third of the price these people paid.
Its a New York quirky thing.

To most of us, the concept of not having a driver's liscence, and never having driven a car is a foreign concept.

I could have rented a car, and driven to arizona from New York, for a third of the price these people paid.
I wonder if they might be able to drive themselves, but prefer allocating the responsibility to another.