APP - newly installed gas detectors save lives


patriot and widower
i wonder if there is a law in canada requiring CO detectors in day care facilities

Gas detectors save 54 kids in day care

United Press International

The lives of 54 children and 19 employees of a day care facility in Winnipeg, Manitoba, were saved by newly installed carbon monoxide detectors, officials said. Staff said they heard chirping sounds early Thursday and initially weren't sure where they were coming from, but then realized it was several of six new detectors that were installed last week, the Winnipeg Sun reported.

Swarms of police, fire and ambulance workers first evacuated the children to a nearby hotel. They were later taken in city buses to the Health Sciences Centre's Children's Hospital to be checked, the Winnipeg Free Press said.

None of the children or staff was admitted for treatment.

A utility inspector later confirmed the presence of the odorless and colorless gas
(CO) in the air at 50 parts per million, which is high and dangerous to humans.

Police spokesman Constable Jason Michalyshen said early indications suggested a defective furnace although day care officials said it had recently passed an inspection.

A service of YellowBrix, Inc. .
I could use a gas detector. My wife is awful fond of corned beef and cabbage and it can get real dangerous at nights!

LOL my wife is Polish and we have golabki now and then for family get togethers, and that moves that C02 level up to dangerous levels and the smell.....