Newly Released J6 Footage Shows 'Non-Uniformed' Officers, Police Urging Pro-Trump Pro


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No wonder the democrats don't want video released of what really happened on Jan 6

Speaker Kevin McCarthy may be granting Tucker Carlson access to the 14,000 hours of January 6 surveillance footage, but Americans won't need to wait until the Fox News primetime cable host's reports are aired to get a taste of what those videos are likely to show.Newly released bodycam footage obtained due to the court trial of Jan. 6 defendant William Pope of Topeka, Kansas shows uniformed officers discussing how to spot "non-uniform" agents. In addition, the released videos show that undercover officers climbed barricades and urged protesters to go toward the Capitol Building. MPD bicycle officers stopped four armed men in plainclothes that turned out to be law enforcement agents. Another video shows a man walking behind Ashli Babbitt, the woman fatally slain by Capitol Police officer Michael Byrd, and predicted that “someone will get shot." There is also a new wrinkle in the activities of Ray Epps and Ryan Samsel on the day of the Capitol Riots.The videos were reported on and authenticated by Joseph M. Hanneman at the Epoch Times.

According to Pope's motion, three undercover MPD officers approached the northwest corner of the Capitol grounds at about 1:40 p.m. on Jan. 6. Officer 1, who filmed the event, joined in with the crowd and chanted, “Drain the swamp!”

After a group of men ran past the officers toward the Capitol, Officer 2 — who was wearing a Trump beanie — commented, “Those guys are getting shot,” according to the motion.

Th"Ryan Samsel (jean jacket and red hat) who pushed the gates at the Peace Circle can be seen walking past an undercover Michael Sherwin (U.S. Attorney for D.C.) at 15th and Constitution Ave prior to President Trump's speech," the post states.

Stephen Horn in a Substack post argues that the reportage, as well as the case of a Virginia man named Fi Duong, who met an Metropolitan Police Undercover Employee on the morning of January 6, constitutes further evidence that there were agent provocateurs working the Capitol Riots on January 6.

The newly released footage adds to the mounting evidence that the federal government, which had been tracking far-right extremists plotting to be in the capitol on January 6 since at least November, not only allowed the Capitol Riots to happen, but had aided and abetted in the "insurrection." The Capitol Riots conveniently truncated objections to the 2020 election, as well as became weaponized fodder to attack former President Donald Trump in the aftermath.

While there have been a scant number of protesters charged for the state crime of insurrection or seditious conspiracy, one case in particular stands out as the next inflection point to make it an indisputable fact that the federal government assisted in fomenting the January 6 riots. It is the case of Enrique Tarrio, the "Proud Boy" leader who had a history as an FBI informant.

“On December 30, 2020 [an unnamed] individual sent Tarrio a document—[that] set forth a plan to occupy a few ‘crucial buildings’ in Washington, D.C. on January 6, including House and Senate buildings around the Capitol, with ‘as many people as possible’ to ‘show our politicians We the People are in charge,’” the report notes.

A motion filed in mid-February contradicts the Justice Department’s assertion that the document was used to guide the Proud Boy’s conduct on January 6.

“It appears that the government itself is the author of the most incriminating and damning document in this case, which was mysteriously sent at government request to Proud Boy leader Enrique Tarrio immediately prior to January 6 in order to frame or implicate Tarrio in a government created scheme to storm buildings around the Capitol,” Roger Roots, attorney for Dominic Pezzola, wrote in a motion seeking a mistrial. “As such, [the document] and the government’s efforts to frame or smear defendants with it, constitutes outrageous government conduct.”

The document is tied to a man named Samuel Armes, a cryptocurrency trader in Florida who has substantial ties to the U.S. intelligence community.
I wish there was a way to scrub my brain clean of intellectually devoid threads. My brain aches from ingesting too much human stupidity.
We know what happened. Trump organized an armed mob to attack the US Capitol.

Well worded, BP. I just thought it should be made larger...and bolded, because it is important. These MAGA troglodytes will never understand it, but it needs to be said.