News Flash: Republicane Putting on Dog and Pony Show: Step Right This Way!


Senior Member
Its nothing but another Republican Dog and Pony Show. The whole sorted affair has been turned over to that House Black Hole commonly referred to as the House Ethics Committee. The Republicans and one Democrat on that Ethics Committee are saying that it will be taken care of expeditiously. The Ethics Committee just held a press conference that got plenty of coverage because everyone was waiting on Hastert to appear. Hastert has not yet appeared. But the Ethics Committee vowed to conduct a full investigation they have signed requests for 48 subpoenas and are going to get to the bottom of it all. Now Hastert will come on and rail and cough and detail how he has handled the whole affair as well as he could have given the shock and awe associated with these startling revelations, claim complete innocence, say once again that he knew nothing until last Friday, and stalk off with his head half bowed like the fat ignorant fuck he is. And everyone of these bastards will pat each other on the back and tell themselves how appropriately they have handled themselves and the scandal.

This is just another slap in the face of the American voter. The whole thing will disappear in the Ethics committee which has vowed to take "weeks not months" to get to the bottom of who knew what. Think it is going to be an open investigation. Forget about it. When asked if Hastert was on the list of those subpoenaed. The speaker at the press conference said he wasn’t "going to get into that level of specificity." Yeah, bring out the Dogs and bring out the Ponies…time for another show!!!!!!!
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Hastert has attempted to stave off any further revelations by establishing his own tip line so all further possible scandals can be monitored by the House Speaker before being released to the public just like the Foley scandal was.
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Well they sure do care, but not for the right reason. They only care to try and keep their butts out of the wringers ;)
I guess the neos have broken up the cons pretty bad, they used to be better organized than this.