News stories so admonishing, they equate reacharounds. Ignore them everyone should.

Jade Dragon

And I'm the one that jaded you.
We all see these news stories, but why are so many that daft? It doesn't matter left, or right with these types really, but we get some posting away. We have been seeing an influx of it for Trump, from the sketchiest sources. If they are cranking it, trying to glorify someone, don't be stupid, it's a worthless story not fit for wiping your ass. Here's a recent example.

Note: I used the wrong word in my title, ignore admonishing, I don't know what I was thinking. :doh:
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We all see these news stories, but why are so many that daft? It doesn't matter left, or right with these types really, but we get some posting away. We have been seeing an influx of it for Trump, from the sketchiest sources. If they are cranking it, trying to admonish, don't be stupid, it's a worthless story not fit for wiping your ass. Here's a recent example.

I tried google translate on your thread title, and it said the language is unknown. Could you please translate?
I tried google translate on your thread title, and it said the language is unknown. Could you please translate?

I used a little Yoda speak, to get the title to fit. Basically I mean, these stories are so bogus in praising, and glorifying, you might as well just give the person in the story a reach-around. It's insulting for a news source to be nothing, but brown nosing, and kissing ass. These news stories should be ignored on all sides of the aisle, especially if the source has a reputation of bias
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I tried google translate on your thread title, and it said the language is unknown. Could you please translate?

I read it as a deep and thorough commentary on the pure gibberish the Poster known as 'Legina', spoons out on a daily basis.
I read it as a deep and thorough commentary on the pure gibberish the Poster known as 'Legina', spoons out on a daily basis.

He is one of them. I'm just glad he does it more as trolling. It's people that post it, and declare checkmate, that make the gene pool cringe.
I tried google translate on your thread title, and it said the language is unknown. Could you please translate?

Now that I come back here, and think about it, I believe I used the wrong word. I shouldn't have used admonishing. I don't know why I thought that meant what I was thinking. I should just say putting up on a pedestal or something. :doh:
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Since we are talking stories that should be reach arounds:

Police catch man trying to have sex with car and shoot him with stun gun

A naked man was Tasered after he tried to have sex with a car after drinking enough alcohol to mimic the effects of surgical anaesthesia, police said.

The 24-year-old man was attempting to penetrate the exhaust pipe of a car in Newton, Kansas, and had to be subdued with a stun gun when he refused to stop, officers alleged.
Since we are talking stories that should be reach arounds:

Police catch man trying to have sex with car and shoot him with stun gun

A naked man was Tasered after he tried to have sex with a car after drinking enough alcohol to mimic the effects of surgical anaesthesia, police said.

The 24-year-old man was attempting to penetrate the exhaust pipe of a car in Newton, Kansas, and had to be subdued with a stun gun when he refused to stop, officers alleged.

I wonder if the automobile will testify. I hope it get adequate counseling.
I read it as a deep and thorough commentary on the pure gibberish the Poster known as 'Legina', spoons out on a daily basis.

It works perfectly describing Legion, but I made a boo boo in words for what I was actually talking about.