Newsom Prez without one single vote?

Let's start with the obvious, you posting the random thoughts of an obviously uneducated nobody says more about you than the Democrats.

Moving on, the 25th Amendment disagrees with Bradley. The President does not get to appoint the VP. It is that simple. Bradley is just plain wrong.

The President gets to nominate the VP, but then a majority of both houses of Congress must approve. That is a vote. Actually, it is a more difficult vote than the Electoral College. There would be no tie breaker in the Senate, so Biden would have to get some Republicans on board. Also there would be no recess appointments.

Congress will mostly be in recess until after the election, so it would be a tight fit. It would mean every last second between now and the election would have to be spent cross examining Newsom. It would leave no time for any progress, but would leave a lot of time for Republicans to get a big stage to attack the lack of progress.

I could go on and on... The point is that this is not just a conspiracy theory, but one that makes no sense.
Let's start with the obvious, you posting the random thoughts of an obviously uneducated nobody says more about you than the Democrats.

Moving on, the 25th Amendment disagrees with Bradley. The President does not get to appoint the VP. It is that simple. Bradley is just plain wrong.

The President gets to nominate the VP, but then a majority of both houses of Congress must approve. That is a vote. Actually, it is a more difficult vote than the Electoral College. There would be no tie breaker in the Senate, so Biden would have to get some Republicans on board. Also there would be no recess appointments.

Congress will mostly be in recess until after the election, so it would be a tight fit. It would mean every last second between now and the election would have to be spent cross examining Newsom. It would leave no time for any progress, but would leave a lot of time for Republicans to get a big stage to attack the lack of progress.

I could go on and on... The point is that this is not just a conspiracy theory, but one that makes no sense.

Stopped after your first sentence.
I post this in the conspiracy section. None of those in the video were me. If it bothers you, good.
Yes, not the complete fiction section where it belongs. There is no way to get to be President without a single vote.

Heels up resigns,
Brandon picks Newsom as VP,
After a few months Brandon resigns leaving Newsom as prez,
Newsom picks a new VP
Heels up resigns,
Brandon picks Newsom as VP,
After a few months Brandon resigns leaving Newsom as prez,
Newsom picks a new VP

Walt pointed out the major flaw in this plan. Congress has to approve the appointment of a new vice president; so, rather than saying "no votes" were cast there were 535 votes cast twice (when each new vp was chosen).
Heels up resigns, Brandon picks Newsom as VP,

25th Amendment says that Biden cannot appoint Newsom, or anyone else as VP. He can nominate Newsom for VP, but Newsom needs two votes (in each house of Congress) to get to be VP. That is a lengthy process which they would need Republican support for. And it is votes.

Remember, that after Harris resigns, there would be no VP, so it would mean loss of control of the Senate... Right when a Senate majority would be needed to elect Newsom.

It would all take time that really does not exist between now and the election. If it were half done before the election, the election becomes about this bizarre move. So it would have to be done after the election... Which if the Republicans get a majority in the House, means even more Republicans who would have to support Newsom.

Absolutely no part of this makes sense.

Newsom picks a new VP

Yet again, Newsom could not pick a new VP.

The reason Ford was nominated as VP was that he was well liked on both sides of the aisle. The same was true about Rockefeller. But both were painful processes... And that was with well liked candidates. Newsom is not well liked by the Republicans, and so Republicans would torture him... AND THEN REFUSE TO VOTE FOR HIM!!!
Yikes. Hopefully Biden's string-pullers aren't considering these things.

Biden was there for both Ford and Rockefeller's confirmation hearings and votes. He knows first hand what a messy process it is. There is literally no way on earth that he is considering this. It is insane that you even think it was possible.
Well, some lefties here have proclaimed the midterms will produce wins for the Dems so..........
Well, some lefties here have proclaimed the midterms will produce wins for the Dems so..........

No one thinks that it will deliver a filibuster proof majority. There would almost certainly be a few Democratic votes against it, and no VP to vote for it, so it would require much higher than 60 votes... And that is ignoring the lengthy hearings.

You forget, Biden has seen this process twice. Even with very acceptable candidates to both parties, it is messy. There is no almost bi-partisanship these days, so it really is not possible.
No one thinks that it will deliver a filibuster proof majority. There would almost certainly be a few Democratic votes against it, and no VP to vote for it, so it would require much higher than 60 votes... And that is ignoring the lengthy hearings.

You forget, Biden has seen this process twice. Even with very acceptable candidates to both parties, it is messy. There is no almost bi-partisanship these days, so it really is not possible.

The premise of this guy's conspiracy theory was, a president could be put into office without an election by the people and that appears to be true. Yes, it is complicated but it could be done based on what he said.
One could make the argument that the people elected their representatives and that counts as "we the people" voting which, after the last election, is a concept I find laughable.
The premise of this guy's conspiracy theory was, a president could be put into office without an election by the people and that appears to be true.

No American President is elected by the people. They are elected by people who are elected by the people. The 25th Amendment works the same way, where a VP is elected by the people who are elected by the people.

The differences are there is gerrymandering, hearings, and two houses. This all makes it far more complex.

One could make the argument that the people elected their representatives and that counts as "we the people" voting which, after the last election, is a concept I find laughable.

Republicans have won the popular vote once in the last 33 years... That is worth saying again, the Republicans have won the popular vote only once in the last 33 years. They have repeatedly failed to win the "we the people" vote. I am 51 years old, and only once in my adult lifetime has a Republican won the "we the people" vote.

The last time a Republican got 51+% of the vote twice in a row was 66 years ago, and he was more like a modern Democrat than any Republican today. The time before Eisenhower that a Republican got 51+% of the vote twice in a row was 122 years ago.
The premise of this guy's conspiracy theory was, a president could be put into office without an election by the people and that appears to be true. Yes, it is complicated but it could be done based on what he said.
One could make the argument that the people elected their representatives and that counts as "we the people" voting which, after the last election, is a concept I find laughable.

There are other situations in which a person becomes president without an election by the people. If the president, vp, and speaker were all killed in a plane crash the Sec of State would be come president without receiving a vote of the people.

States could all pass a law giving their state legislature the power to choose electors without a popular vote.

I don't think the guy in the video knows Congress has to approve a VP nominee.
There are other situations in which a person becomes president without an election by the people.

There is no situation where someone becomes President of the USA after being elected by the people.

If the president, vp, and speaker were all killed in a plane crash the Sec of State would be come president without receiving a vote of the people.

Wrong. It goes President, VP, Speaker of the House, President Pro Tempore of the Senate, and then Secretary of State.

States could all pass a law giving their state legislature the power to choose electors without a popular vote.

The Constitution requires the Federal Government to assure that states keep a voting form of government, so not really.
Wrong. It goes President, VP, Speaker of the House, President Pro Tempore of the Senate, and then Secretary of State.

Right. I forgot the President Pro Tem. But if the Pro Tem was also killed in the crash the Sec of State would become president although nobody voted for them for that position.

The Constitution requires the Federal Government to assure that states keep a voting form of government, so not really.

Not for president. It gives state legislatures the power to select electors. It says nothing about popular votes for president anywhere in the Constitution.
But if the Pro Tem was also killed in the crash the Sec of State would become president although nobody voted for them for that position.

Yes, if four people suddenly died, we would have a President who was appointed by someone elected, and then confirmed by the Senate. In theory, he would have the same views as the people we elected, and that is an awful lot of unlikely death to get there.

I am not particularly worried. There is not some huge exception that allows us to be a dictatorship.

Not for president. It gives state legislatures the power to select electors. It says nothing about popular votes for president anywhere in the Constitution.

It is more complex than that. The Constitution does say, "Each State shall appoint, in such Manner as the Legislature thereof may direct, a Number of Electors", but also says, "The United States shall guarantee to every State in this Union a Republican Form of Government." That second one is generally thought to mean that the Federal government must keep the states at least somewhat democratic.