Ney Pleds Guilty and will Resign


This is my Newsboy bot impression . . .
WASHINGTON (AP) -- Rep. Bob Ney pleaded guilty Friday to bribery charges in the Jack Abramoff influence-peddling scandal.
Ney, an Ohio Republican in his sixth term, faces up to 10 years in prison in a scandal that has tainted the White House as well as Capitol Hill.

With Republicans reeling from the House page scandal, the Abramoff investigation and growing public discontent over President Bush's handling of the Iraq war, some of Ney's House colleagues are threatening to push for his expulsion if he does not resign.

Ney signed papers a month ago admitting to charges of conspiracy and making false statements. He also acknowledged that he had deprived the public of his honest services.

About the same time, Ney checked into an alcohol rehabilitation program. If he enters a residential drug abuse program run by the U.S. Bureau of Prisons, he could be eligible for a reduced sentence.

Despite his admission of criminal activity, Ney, 52, is entitled to collect a congressional pension.
Yay for Ney :)
But he swore he was innocent. those repubs sure do accept personal responsibility for their actions, when there is not any other choice, and to avoid worse penalties :)
and they sure do like to hide in rehab centers ;)
I heard either on MSNBC or FOXSPEWS that he has resigned as well. Not that it matters at this point too much. With the House only working 92 days in the last 365 that's only about 4 days a month and with another 3 months at most with Christmas holidays probably even less than two weeks of real work will be done, no one will miss him, but they will still probably go through the motions of appointing someone else. Just in case a close vote comes up!!!!!!!!!!!!
Good to see him gone, now if Jefferson, Reid and Clinton do the same the congress will be alot cleaner.
Good to see him gone, now if Jefferson, Reid and Clinton do the same the congress will be alot cleaner.

Well, my main man, mr toby, how do you do?? How about this little bit of nostaligia or GOP FLASHBACK: Ney:" I will be cleared of all allegations!" And who gave Mr. Ney a standing ovation after his announcemen? None other than Denny "Nobody told me until last Friday" Hastert gives Ney a standing ovation…

So yeah, let's clean up Congress! But let's get the first bunch safely put away before we move onto less solid ground shall we my man...
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Nice to see the loser designed to resign rather than stay on for reelection like so many Dems do in their more numerous/worse scandals:

Former Rep. John Young. The late Texas Democrat increased the salary of a staffer after she gave in to his sexual advances. The congressman won re-election in 1976 but lost two years later.

Rep. Gerry Studds. He was censured for sexual relationship with underage male page in 1983. Massachusetts voters returned him to office for six more terms.

Fred Richmond. This New York Democrat was arrested in 1978 for soliciting sex from a 16-year-old. He remained in Congress and won re-election—before eventually resigning in 1982 after pleading guilty to tax evasion and drug possession.

And let's not even get into the Kennedy's...
I heard either on MSNBC or FOXSPEWS that he has resigned as well. Not that it matters at this point too much. With the House only working 92 days in the last 365 that's only about 4 days a month and with another 3 months at most with Christmas holidays probably even less than two weeks of real work will be done, no one will miss him, but they will still probably go through the motions of appointing someone else. Just in case a close vote comes up!!!!!!!!!!!!

I was wrong about his resigning. He has promised to resign but that won't be happening for a while according to Al Franken. He is evidently going to collect his government salary as long as he can. He may even serve out the rest of his term depending on when he has to report for incarceration. I like that, "report for incarceration". I think he can remain free for sometime and report when ever he decides he wants to get it over with. Or he might remain free for much longer if he has some evidence that he can take a few years spilling.