NFL Empty seats

Why is there an empty seat crisis in NFL stadiums? What could be causing this?
Last time I went to a stadium to watch a football game was 2010 I think. My seat wasn't bad but wasn't good enuf to see much when play was on the other end of he field.
And that was an LSU game where at least there's tailgating with old friends and alumni.
Pro football doesn't have the atmosphere. It's way more enjoyable watching college fb (don't pay attention to NFL) at home on tv for free with instant replay, dvr, different camera angles, etc. , plus there's no hassle with parking.
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Go comfort yourself with another bogus poll, moonbat. Obammy is gone and your race baiting schtick is down the toilet forever. :)

smart people say the short fall in attendance is because the NFL is over priced but your need to hate blacks so need to see it in a made up world.
smart people say the short fall in attendance is because the NFL is over priced but your need to hate blacks so need to see it in a made up world.

Cry another river, loser. No one cares about your lost election and the butthurt thuglets cryin' foul.


Hanz uP dOn't sHooT

Git gone.
Viewing is down due to the concussion problems. My family quit watching because of that. The American gladiators are destroying their bodies for your amusement. People at stadiums are committed to the game.
Viewing is down due to the concussion problems. My family quit watching because of that. The American gladiators are destroying their bodies for your amusement. People at stadiums are committed to the game. But casual viewers are getting turned off.

The BS about the flag is just that BS. The protest is about unreasonable police violence. How does the flag fit into that? People who claim it is about the military are lying or ignorant.