APP - NFL Players would do well to listen to this man



He is 1000% correct. They should just take their beating like men and think of another way to care about the issue they profess to care about.

If they think they are going to be cute, they are sadly mistaken. This is like Rule 12b on JPP. There is ZERO tolerance and ZERO wiggle room. People have tried to be cute in getting around 12b such as one poster claiming another was traveling to foreign islands to engage in sexual activity with underage girls. The Mods weren't stupid and the offending poster was chastened quite quickly even thought that person tried to be cute and claim "I was just asking him about travel".

The point is fans will not be amused if players do not let this go and they will pay a price. If JPP democrats really care about the issues of police brutality they should not be egging on an escalation of this conflict. It will not end well for the players.