Nice people huh ?


Villified User
Woman Says She Didn't Mean to Hurl Baby

ERIE, Pa. (AP) -- A northwestern Pennsylvania woman accused of using her baby to batter her child's father said she didn't realize what she was doing until it was too late.

Chyrotia Graham, 27, of Erie, told police she had been drinking when an argument with the child's father turned violent early Sunday morning, according to an affidavit filed to support Graham's arrest.

Graham said she "snapped" and began grabbing things and throwing them at Deangelo Troop, 20, not realizing she had picked up her 4-week-old son, Jarron Troop, telling police she held the child by his legs and swung him at his father. Police had said they believed the woman held the baby by the midsection when she hit the man.
Jarron, who was born Sept. 11, suffered a fractured skull and bleeding in the brain after the incident. The infant's head hit Deangelo, who had also fathered one of Graham's other four children.
Deangelo told the Erie Times-News that Graham never meant to hurt their child.

"People are trying to make a big deal about it, but she did not do it on purpose. ... It was just a mistake," he said.


Prison and sterilization for both of them I say.