Nickelback, you pieces of shit

Your mom is so dumb uscitizen she thought quarterback was a refund.

Your ignorant ass is correct, she is old and has Altzheimers very bad....
Sometimes she even recognizes her own son....

Have I ever insulted your family members ? Which have nothing to do with what I post on here ?
Your ignorant ass is correct, she is old and has Altzheimers very bad....
Sometimes she even recognizes her own son....

Have I ever insulted your family members ? Which have nothing to do with what I post on here ?

I apologize uscitizen I was not attempting to insult your mom or even make the joke at you personally. Mom jokes have been around for ages and aren't meant to be personal but I am sorry nonetheless and especially in light of your mother's condition it was very inappropriate on my part.

I wish her and your family the best with her situation.
I apologize uscitizen I was not attempting to insult your mom or even make the joke at you personally. Mom jokes have been around for ages and aren't meant to be personal but I am sorry nonetheless and especially in light of your mother's condition it was very inappropriate on my part.

I wish her and your family the best with her situation.

What an appropriate apology, for something that was not meant, but hurt anyways! More of us should do the same, more often. :clink:
I apologize uscitizen I was not attempting to insult your mom or even make the joke at you personally. Mom jokes have been around for ages and aren't meant to be personal but I am sorry nonetheless and especially in light of your mother's condition it was very inappropriate on my part.

I wish her and your family the best with her situation.

Thanks cawacko. Apology accepted and perhaps it was not required, I jumped a bit harder than I should have anyway. It just hit a real nerve.

I need to work on that sealing that nerve ending so someone with genuine mean intentions cannot use it to get to me.
Thanks cawacko. Apology accepted and perhaps it was not required, I jumped a bit harder than I should have anyway. It just hit a real nerve.

I need to work on that sealing that nerve ending so someone with genuine mean intentions cannot use it to get to me.

Family's a real personal thing and you (or anyone else, myself included) will rightfully jump to their defense at a perceived attack. People may disagree politically but we're all human and something like what your mother is dealing with is not a partisan issue. Again, I wish you and her the best in staying strong and fighting it as best you can.
Family's a real personal thing and you (or anyone else, myself included) will rightfully jump to their defense at a perceived attack. People may disagree politically but we're all human and something like what your mother is dealing with is not a partisan issue. Again, I wish you and her the best in staying strong and fighting it as best you can.

Thanks cawacko, very well stated and I agree fully.
Again sorry for jumping on you like I did, just a bunch of pent up frustrations about moms condition.
Dealing with a relative that has Altzheimers is very frustrating, but you have to hold it in while dealing with them. I guess I need to find an outlet for those frustrations. Well one besides taking it out on people that have nothing to do with the situation....
Perhaps I need to get a punching bag....
Thanks cawacko. Apology accepted and perhaps it was not required, I jumped a bit harder than I should have anyway. It just hit a real nerve.

I need to work on that sealing that nerve ending so someone with genuine mean intentions cannot use it to get to me.

lol your mom doesn't know who you are.