Nietzsche and our crisis of masculinity


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Now it sounds as if the writings of Nietzsche place men in a bind similar to the one I experienced as a teenage boy: the need to “be a man,” and simultaneously the need to question manhood itself.

But men remain and need ways to understand themselves positively as men. As a teenager, I only heard Nietzsche saying, “Be a man!”, and as a young scholar, I abandoned my earlier way of reading him, hearing only, “But what is a man?”
Now, as a teacher, I have learned how to hear both together.
Every young man between 25yo and 30yo--should already be developing his own philosophy. The US constitution says you have to be 35 to become potus. That's how long it takes to start figuring out life.
Now it sounds as if the writings of Nietzsche place men in a bind similar to the one I experienced as a teenage boy: the need to “be a man,” and simultaneously the need to question manhood itself.

But men remain and need ways to understand themselves positively as men. As a teenager, I only heard Nietzsche saying, “Be a man!”, and as a young scholar, I abandoned my earlier way of reading him, hearing only, “But what is a man?”
Now, as a teacher, I have learned how to hear both together.

FER FUCK'S SAKE dude, put quotation marks around other people's quotes. When I first started reading this I thought these were YOUR thoughts.

This is EXTREMELY bad form when quoting others. In a sense it makes you appear dishonest. I know you wouldn't want that. So please put quotation marks around other people's quotes.

How on earth did you make it through college? The unis I went to would have a very dim view of even "accidental" plagiarism.
Now it sounds as if the writings of Nietzsche place men in a bind similar to the one I experienced as a teenage boy: the need to “be a man,” and simultaneously the need to question manhood itself.

But men remain and need ways to understand themselves positively as men. As a teenager, I only heard Nietzsche saying, “Be a man!”, and as a young scholar, I abandoned my earlier way of reading him, hearing only, “But what is a man?”
Now, as a teacher, I have learned how to hear both together.
Why was Nietzsche ever given credibility about social order in this species? the man was a semi invalid that had his two sisters taking care of him.

Only thing that man did, was justify misery loves company in every reality of humanity.
FER FUCK'S SAKE dude, put quotation marks around other people's quotes. When I first started reading this I thought these were YOUR thoughts.

This is EXTREMELY bad form when quoting others. In a sense it makes you appear dishonest. I know you wouldn't want that. So please put quotation marks around other people's quotes.

How on earth did you make it through college? The unis I went to would have a very dim view of even "accidental" plagiarism.
You truly are mentally ill.
FER FUCK'S SAKE dude, put quotation marks around other people's quotes. When I first started reading this I thought these were YOUR thoughts.

This is EXTREMELY bad form when quoting others. In a sense it makes you appear dishonest. I know you wouldn't want that. So please put quotation marks around other people's quotes.

How on earth did you make it through college? The unis I went to would have a very dim view of even "accidental" plagiarism.
Hatred is deep in your heart. You need an exorcist.
Hatred is deep in your heart. You need an exorcist.

You are a criminal. Plagiarizing copyrighted material is bad. Really bad. It would have gotten you kicked out of college if you had been caught back in the day.

Count yourself lucky.
You are a criminal. Plagiarizing copyrighted material is bad. Really bad. It would have gotten you kicked out of college if you had been caught back in the day.

Count yourself lucky.
Go see a priest. Your deep seated hatred is killing you.
Take your autocomplete funtime somewhere else today, Serenity. Just not in the mood for it.
having an honest discussion about topic of this thread and outcome of everyone participating in it. Universe exists in a perpetual balancing outcome state of evolving while uniquely alive each rotation living includes all 8.14 billion homo sapiens pretending life isn't self evident.
having an honest discussion about topic of this thread and outcome of everyone participating in it. Universe exists in a perpetual balancing outcome state of evolving while uniquely alive each rotation living includes all 8.14 billion homo sapiens pretending life isn't self evident.

Why does this entertain you?
Why does this entertain you?
what is entertaining about ending corruption in every generation forward every day? Everyone complains corruption is everywhere eyt everyone defends their style of corrupted until extinction arrives expecting better tomorrows next rotation of the planet evolving changes everything constantly here.

Series parallel time occupying space specifically here. Series is individual, parallel is simultaneously present, evolving is never same form as arrived changing shape without creating or destroying the results acquired so far.

thermodynamics of both periodic elements working same time as universal chromosomes are living ancestrally here by specific chromosomes as streaming DNA lifetimes uniquely present.