Nightmare is over

A guy who hides his own Easter eggs holding the nuclear football is a whole different kind of nightmare.

Biden would be the last person to drop one. The dipshit in there now is who you should be worrying about. When he realizes he is going to get his ass kicked I would not doubt the shithead dropping one out of spite.
I find it amazing that a nuke plant specialist can see the horrors of Donald Trump that most can't see yet is blind to a man so senile or demented that he can't complete a coherent sentence.

Never mind the long list of other corrupt and creepy deeds.
Unlike your "cult-like" devotion for tRump, I evaluate on a very different criteria.
Bidens often gaffs, but he didnt tweet "Covfefe". tRump pathologically lies. I will take the "gaffer" any day. With respect to corruption,
Biden couldn't match tRumps corruption on his "best day". The last time I checked, Biden didnt rip off students with his fraudulent tRump University scam.

That said, where do you get your" most cant see" data? From the Kellyanne book of "Alternate Facts"? tRump's polling numbers are under water. His "unfavorables" are greater than his "favorables". A MAJORITY of Americans voted for Hillary and a MAJORITY of Americans dont trust him. In fact, a great many despise him.
I do get tickled that the "chimps" still claim that tRump has majority of support. Obviously the "chimps" flunked basic math.

tRump is and always be a minority supported "fluke of the EC" POTUS.
No amount of your regurgitated lies will EVER change that. History will most certainly remember tRump as a "joke" of a POTUS and a disgusting excuse for a human being.
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Unlike your "cult-like" devotion for tRump, I evaluate on a very different criteria.
Bidens often gaffs. tRump pathologically lies. I will take the "gaffer"
Biden couldn't match tRumps corruption on his "best day".

That said, where do you get your" most cant see" data? From the Kellyanbe book of "Alternate Facts"? tRump's polling numbers are under water. His "unfavorables" are greater than his "favorables". A MAJORITY of Americans voted for Hillary and a MAJORITY of Americans dont trust his. In fact, a great many despise him.
I do get tickled that the "chimps" still claim that tRump has majority of support. Obvioysly the "chimps" flunked basic math.

And yet look at how you speak like a fifth grader....

And yet look at how you speak like a fifth grader....


Well, if I always used big words, you "chimps" wouldn't understand... lol

Unlike you Hawk, I have a job and sometimes have to post in a hurry. As such, the sentence structure and grammar are not always fluid. I also don't have an alcohol abuse problem. I might try posting in your past DP intoxicated style sometime. You might comprehend that a bit better.
Well, if I always used big words, you "chimps" wouldn't understand... lol

Unlike you Hawk, I have a job and sometimes have to post in a hurry. As such, the sentence structure and grammar are not always fluid. I also don't have an alcohol abuse problem. I might try posting in your past DP intoxicated style sometime. You might comprehend that a bit better.

Unlike your "cult-like" devotion for tRump, I evaluate on a very different criteria.
Bidens often gaffs, but he didnt tweet "Covfefe". tRump pathologically lies. I will take the "gaffer" any day. With respect to corruption,
Biden couldn't match tRumps corruption on his "best day". The last time I checked, Biden didnt rip off students with his fraudulent tRump University scam.

That said, where do you get your" most cant see" data? From the Kellyanne book of "Alternate Facts"? tRump's polling numbers are under water. His "unfavorables" are greater than his "favorables". A MAJORITY of Americans voted for Hillary and a MAJORITY of Americans dont trust him. In fact, a great many despise him.
I do get tickled that the "chimps" still claim that tRump has majority of support. Obviously the "chimps" flunked basic math.

tRump is and always be a minority supported "fluke of the EC" POTUS.
No amount of your regurgitated lies will EVER change that. History will most certainly remember tRump as a "joke" of a POTUS and a disgusting excuse for a human being.

Listen to yourself. You are exactly what you are accusing me of. Its ridiculous. I wont waste anymore time on providing you the facts because you don't care about them.

I'm working on 2 hours sleep keeping my business secure. Tired.
Had to call police. Three young kids with 2 sledge hammers were preparing to break into my business. I chased them away somewhat rudely lol. Surprisingly TPD responded within minutes interviewed me and went off to search for them. Several more minutes and a helicopter was circling.

Seems like we will survive the night unhurt and shop undamaged. Thank goodness.
I find it amazing that a nuke plant specialist can see the horrors of Donald Trump that most can't see yet is blind to a man so senile or demented that he can't complete a coherent sentence.

Never mind the long list of other corrupt and creepy deeds.

Why would a "nuke plant specialist" be able to see the horrors of trump any more than the rest of us? Ridiculous. And to talk of Bidens "creepy deeds" is truely laughable. Trumps on his 3rd wife, raped the first one, accused by about 15 women of sexual assault, openly declared how he assaulted women by grabbing their pussy, out fucking stormy Daniels while his son was being born, charged by a 13 yr old of rape and you have the gall to so much as mention "creepy deeds" of Biden? You are a brainwashed trump dipshit.

And ya know if that asshole had come out after the floyd murder and said those officers need to all do time and he was disgusted by their actions you might not have had to stay up all night protecting your business.
Listen to yourself. You are exactly what you are accusing me of. Its ridiculous. I wont waste anymore time on providing you the facts because you don't care about them.

I'm working on 2 hours sleep keeping my business secure. Tired.

You are too insecure and weak to accept facts. You are simply in a MINORITY and have to convince yourself you are a MAJORITY due to your own insecurity.
The more you post, the more I see why you are so enamored with tRump. You both suffer from the same character issues.