Nine Inch Will Please a Lady

cancel2 2022


He was a bit of a lad was our Rabbie, as this poem proves.

Nine Inch will Please a Lady

Come rede me dame, come tell me dame,
My dame come tell me truly,
What length o' graith when weel ca'd hame
Will sair a woman duly?"
The carlin clew her wanton tail,
Her wanton tail sae ready,
"l learn'd a sang in Annandale,
Nine inch will please a lady."

"But for a koontrie cunt like mine,
In sooth we're not sae gentle;
We'll tak tway thumb-bread to the nine,
And that is a sonsy pintle.
Oh, Leeze me on, my Charlie lad,
I'll ne'er forget my Charlie,
Tway roaring handfuls and a daud
He nidged it in fu' rarely."

But wear fa' the laithron doup
And may it ne'er be thriving,
It's not the length that makes me loup
But it's the double drivin.
Come nidge me Tom, come nidge me Tom
Come nidge me, o'er the nyvel
Come lowse an lug your battering ram
And thrash him at my gyvel!

graith=gear, equipment; clew=scratched, fondled;
tway thum-bread=two thumb-breadths; sonsy=healthy;
daud=a lump, a bit; laithron=lazy; doup=rump;

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The only word I recognize is 'Tom'.

Not even cunt, how could you miss that?

But for a koontrie cunt like mine,
In sooth we're not sae gentle;
We'll tak tway thumb-bread to the nine,
And that is a sonsy pintle.
Oh, Leeze me on, my Charlie lad,
I'll ne'er forget my Charlie,
Tway roaring handfuls and a daud
He nidged it in fu' rarely."
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The nuances of Robbie Burns and Scottish dialect are wasted on JPP leftists, Tom.

Pearls before swine, you know.
I'm sure McMoonshi'ite knows about it, he's definitely a koontrie cunt and a Jock.

He doesn't seem to be here, Tom. If your post was intended for an audience of one, shouldn't you have sent it to him in a PM?

Well, it's your game. Play on.