Nixon Could Only Wish he got the Clinton Treatment


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After taking the oath of office following Richard Nixon’s 1974 resignation over Watergate, President Gerald Ford famously declared, “My fellow Americans, our long national nightmare is over.”

Ford was mocked for self-serving grandiosity, yet time would prove him correct. The nation was tested by corruption in the Oval Office, but the constitutional system prevailed because good and brave people of both parties confronted the crisis.

Most dramatically, Attorney General Elliot Richardson and his deputy, William Ruckelshaus, resigned rather than follow Nixon’s order to fire special prosecutor Archibald Cox in the Saturday Night Massacre. And Nixon himself resigned when even fellow Republicans signaled they were prepared to impeach and convict him.

One result is that, while “Nixonian” is a synonym for illegal abuse of authority, his resignation and the smooth transfer of power marked a ringing triumph of justice. The fundamental principle that nobody in America is above the law was upheld in practice.

Now imagine another scenario. America wakes up on Nov. 9 to President-elect Hillary Clinton, and to the cold reality that the same principle of equal justice is null and void.

Her election would mean that some people are above the law. It would mean that one of them will assume the commanding heights of our country despite abundant evidence that she committed crimes and got away scot-free.

Oh, for the good old days of Watergate and of public servants like Elliot Richardson and William Ruckelshaus.
We should be so lucky now.

Instead, we have a sitting president, Barack Obama, who presided over a corrupt Justice Department and the FBI. And instead of public servants of principle, we have a gaggle of quislings, including Attorney General Loretta Lynch, who put partisanship and their careers ahead of duty.

Rather than ending a national nightmare, a transfer of power from Obama to Clinton would start a new crisis of confidence. Consider the threshold question of whether the Justice Department could ever be trusted to prosecute anyone in public office.

If Clinton is guilty of only “mistakes” and “bad judgment” in setting up a private server, sending and receiving national secrets and destroying thousands of government e-mails, on what fair basis can any public official be held accountable?

Is the bar for prosecution raised or lowered depending on political connections?

Thanks to The Wall Street Journal, we also know the FBI ignored outrageous conflicts of interest among its own leadership while supposedly investigating Clinton and one of her top associates, Virginias Democratic Gov. Terry McAuliffe. The paper reported that the head of the FBI’s Washington office met with McAuliffe as the official’s wife was running as a Democrat for the Virginia legislature, and that McAuliffe funneled nearly $700,000 to her campaign.

That aide, Andrew McCabe, went on to oversee the shoddy Clinton probe, and is now No. 2 in the FBI, second only to Director James Comey. And we’re supposed to believe all this is kosher?

Wait, there’s more. Remember that the FBI failed even to investigate the pay-to-play patterns with donors to the Clinton Foundation while Hillary was secretary of state. Several reported transactions look like straight-up bribery, yet there is no sign a single person in the Justice Department suggested an inquiry.

From start to finish, it is obvious that the FBI gave Clinton special treatment. The failure to empanel a grand jury and issue subpoenas, the granting of five immunity deals to her aides, and the agreement to destroy potential evidence all lead to the conclusion that Comey bent the rules to make sure Clinton was cleared.

Rabid Clinton supporters comfort themselves by insisting that those who do not denounce Donald Trump are unpatriotic or worse. But you don’t have to be a Trump supporter to fear that Clinton’s election would be tantamount to approving her chronic dishonesty in public office, and would open the door to an era of corruption unprecedented in modern times.

If that’s progress, then Richard Nixon got a raw deal.


Nixon was a criminal on many many levels.
Watergate is just how they got him.
I liken him to Al Capone. Guilty of many heinous crimes he was only convicted of income tax evasion.
Every honest person knows without reservation that the main stream TV media is and always has been in bed with the left. Fox is the exception and that's why Democrats and the rest of the left are prohibited by their leftist masters to watch Fox.

Richard Nixon was threatened with impeachment that he knew he would be removed from office simply because he lied to cover up for his aids who directed the Watergate break-in. There was never any evidence that Nixon knew about the break-in. Nixon was tried, convicted and crucified by the leftist press.

Nixon was an amateur in corruption, criminality and cover-up when compared to the Bobble-head, Buck-Toothed, Brain-Dead, Bimbo Bitch Of Benghazi, Hillary Rotten Clinton.
Every honest person knows without reservation that the main stream TV media is and always has been in bed with the left. Fox is the exception and that's why Democrats and the rest of the left are prohibited by their leftist masters to watch Fox.

Richard Nixon was threatened with impeachment that he knew he would be removed from office simply because he lied to cover up for his aids who directed the Watergate break-in. There was never any evidence that Nixon knew about the break-in. Nixon was tried, convicted and crucified by the leftist press.

Nixon was an amateur in corruption, criminality and cover-up when compared to the Bobble-head, Buck-Toothed, Brain-Dead, Bimbo Bitch Of Benghazi, Hillary Rotten Clinton.

Nixon was a war criminal.
He should have been hanged.