APP - NJ senator introduces college anti-bullying law


patriot and widower
perhaps, but will it really work

imo, bullies will find a way

otherwise, i am for it

Associated Press/AP Online

TRENTON, N.J. - New Jersey Sen. Frank Lautenberg has introduced legislation to require colleges to adopt a code of conduct that prohibits bullying and harassment. The Tyler Clementi Higher Education Anti-Harassment Act is named for the 18-year-old Rutgers University freshman who committed suicide in September after his gay sexual encounter in his dorm room was broadcast online.
The measure introduced Thursday by Lautenberg, a Democrat, would require colleges that receive federal money to adopt policies that prohibit harassment based on a student's sexual orientation, race, gender and other factors.
It also would provide funding for schools to establish or expand programs to prevent harassment of students.
U.S. Rep. Rush Holt, a fellow New Jersey Democrat, introduced identical legislation in the House of Representatives.
A service of YellowBrix, Inc. .
That's the Republican party above. Always in support of racism and hatred. They all deserve to be killed in the most painful way possible. The only good conservative is a dead conservative.
That's the Republican party above. Always in support of racism and hatred. They all deserve to be killed in the most painful way possible. The only good conservative is a dead conservative.

that's your retardedness above.

bullying is harassment and/or borderline assault and should be prosecuted no matter who does it to who. making a law targeted at bullying people of different colors/genders/orientation/religion is just plain bullshit.
I encourage teen suicide. The world is tough and we don't need pussies blocking human progress.