

Damo, have you ever used this?

My Win2K desktop computer started rebooting at startup. I discovered that this only happened whenever the network card was enabled, so I couldn't use internet. So, I decided to reformat the hard drive (couldn't find ANYTHING on google about anything like this, whenever I searched with my Laptop). I had downloaded a nifty tool called "Nlite' previously, and I decided to try it out.

After 3 hours and twice as many ruined burnable CD's, I finally got the thing to work right. I disabled about half of the features of Windows. So, I reformatted the hard drive, and it installed itself unattended (a neat feature of the tool).

The resulting operating system was about 10 times as fast and 10 times as unstable.

It won't let me download Internet Explorer and IE Tab won't load the Windows Update site! What do I do!
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Geez doood.. Start over and work it normally...

Load the i386 file onto your computer and load it directly from your drive.
Geez doood.. Start over and work it normally...

Load the i386 file onto your computer and load it directly from your drive.

Nah, it'll be OK. Windows 2000 automatically updates things, and I had slipstreamed the service packs in there anyway.

A super-lite windows installation is just cool. But there are a few things that don't work right. And every now and again, Windows tries to automatically force me to go to web view, and then the desktop dissapears because I've deleted that. :(