no bans: The origin of Jim Crow

Guno צְבִי

We fight, We win, Am Yisrael Chai
Love it when a rightwing southern cracka starts a thread explain Jim crow

I have personally witnessed and felt Jim crow laws while going through the souf in the late 50's early 60s

Jim Crow came to mean any state law passed in the South that established different rules for blacks and whites. Jim Crow laws were based on the theory of white supremacy and were a reaction to Reconstruction.

Black Codes
"Black codes were restrictive laws designed to limit the freedom of African Americans and ensure their availability as a cheap labor force after slavery was abolished during the Civil War. Though the Union victory had given some 4 million slaves their freedom, the question of freed blacks’ status in the postwar South was still very much unresolved. Under black codes, many states required blacks to sign yearly labor contracts; if they refused, they risked being arrested, fined and forced into unpaid labor. Outrage over black codes helped undermine support for President Andrew Johnson and the Republican Party."

This is being resolved. The Ownership Class is now shifting to Importation of Third World Labor.