No Brats Allowed


JPP Modarater

No brats allowed!
Is American society increasingly intolerant of tots?

I don't know about the rest of America but I for one get extremely annoyed when "breeders" (that word always makes me laugh) let their demon seed run amok with little to no supervision impeding on my good time. I'm all for kids free zones.

No brats allowed!
Is American society increasingly intolerant of tots?

I don't know about the rest of America but I for one get extremely annoyed when "breeders" (that word always makes me laugh) let their demon seed run amok with little to no supervision impeding on my good time. I'm all for kids free zones.
Emotionally, I tend to agree. Back in the day, there was a movie theatre in my town that had a two tier price structure: $4 for adults and $6 for kids 12 and under. It was very popular.

I'm troubled in general by laws that restrict access to public places though. I don't like "adults only" communities, for example, because they're just one step -- one half step, even -- from "white only" or "Christian only."

Yes, having children is a choice. Still, it's such a powerful drive that I think it may deserve special status.
Kids are just people, they should not be punished for irresponsible parents... If their parents let them run wild they should be held accountable. Responsible parents shouldn't be punished for the actions of the few.
Emotionally, I tend to agree. Back in the day, there was a movie theatre in my town that had a two tier price structure: $4 for adults and $6 for kids 12 and under. It was very popular.

I'm troubled in general by laws that restrict access to public places though. I don't like "adults only" communities, for example, because they're just one step -- one half step, even -- from "white only" or "Christian only."

Yes, having children is a choice. Still, it's such a powerful drive that I think it may deserve special status.

I see what you're saying. But I'm still counting down til the day I can be in one of those 55+ communities. Retired, floral shorts, fanny packs, Atlantic City bus trips, no work, conasta.......good times.
Kids are just people, they should not be punished for irresponsible parents... If their parents let them run wild they should be held accountable. Responsible parents shouldn't be punished for the actions of the few.

Someone should be held accountable and my comfort level shouldn't be compromised because of some bratty kid.
Someone should be held accountable and my comfort level shouldn't be compromised because of some bratty kid.
Oh please. My comfort level is more consistently threatened by asshat adults than by children! What makes it so much more specially irritating if it is kids rather than an adult whining?
Kids are just people, they should not be punished for irresponsible parents... If their parents let them run wild they should be held accountable. Responsible parents shouldn't be punished for the actions of the few.
It's hard, though, given the nature of kids, to hold the parents responsible for their behavior without seeming to punish them to some extent. Sure, it's the parents' "fault" but that doesn't change the impact on the kid.

In general, I think that children have to be given the benefit of the doubt. Let 'em try to eat in the restaurant. If it doesn't work, well, it doesn't work.

As an aside, I think that restaurants are among the few places that the label "family friendly" can actually be useful. You see "family friendly" and you know it's probably not a place to take a date for a romantic evening. "Family friendly" is a perfectly good euphemism for "adult hostile" -- and that's a good thing for all.
I wasn't speaking of you that long ago... Get over yourself already. Your join date is in December of 2006, the post was made in August of 2006. Unless I was prescient as to your chosen moniker then I couldn't possibly have been speaking of you.
I wasn't speaking of you that long ago... Get over yourself already. Your join date is in December of 2006, the post was made in August of 2006. Unless I was prescient as to your chosen moniker then I couldn't possibly have been speaking of you.

Ok, comic book guy.
Well, I don't know about you guys, but here in the Tampa area they actually passed ordinances that allowed restuarants to allow dogs at outdoor facilities. I don't mind the kids but I will be damned if I am going to sit down to eat dinner and have to watch a dog licking the plate (oh they say this is forbidden but that doesn't stop them) of the lady at the table next to me. How many times has a dog licked the plate I am eating off of right now? Or worse yet taking a crap at the foot of the table.


I have decided, I won't be eating at these restuarants.

Well, I don't know about you guys, but here in the Tampa area they actually passed ordinances that allowed restuarants to allow dogs at outdoor facilities. I don't mind the kids but I will be damned if I am going to sit down to eat dinner and have to watch a dog licking the plate (oh they say this is forbidden but that doesn't stop them) of the lady at the table next to me. How many times has a dog licked the plate I am eating off of right now? Or worse yet taking a crap at the foot of the table.


I have decided, I won't be eating at these restuarants.

To each their own. I'd rather a dog or two than some of the squalling, belligerent brats I've seen in restaurants.
The little kids don't bother me, even if they are disruptive at a restaurant or a movie. It is the pre-teens and teenagers that I despise....when they are disruptive. They are old enough to know on their own not to be disruptive in certain situations. I had some escorted from the movie theatre just last month when the wife and I finally got a chance to go watch a movie, We Are Marshall. I'll be dogged if I am going to put up with teenagers keeping me from enjoying a movie when I only get to go two or three times a year.
Yes teenagers are the worst. To the concentration camps with em.

People don't parent anymore. Maybe we're caught up in the it takes a village mentality. Too bad its the village idiot.
The little kids don't bother me, even if they are disruptive at a restaurant or a movie. It is the pre-teens and teenagers that I despise....when they are disruptive. They are old enough to know on their own not to be disruptive in certain situations. I had some escorted from the movie theatre just last month when the wife and I finally got a chance to go watch a movie, We Are Marshall. I'll be dogged if I am going to put up with teenagers keeping me from enjoying a movie when I only get to go two or three times a year.

yeah. They are the worst. I'd still take a dog in the restaurant over the two choices.