No I did not fall off the face of the earth......


ser independiente
even though it may seem like it. I am still walking among the living! :D I guess some of you have been wondering where I have been? obviously not on here because I really have not had the time. I have so much going on right now I don't even have time to breath some day's. Some of you know I am in school full time working on my B.S. in Psychology. I am also bartending on Friday and Saturday nights and have just recently started my own promotional company doing promotions for local Night clubs. Oh yeah and don't forget about my two boy's who just finished football and have now moved on to basketball jeez! Can I breath for a minute.:eek: So I apologize I will try to make time to jump in here periodically. I really do miss our little wars! You know the class I am taking now is American Government and politics so I might just make it a point to get on here daily for help in this class.