No, Judaism isn't Christianity lite

Guno צְבִי

We fight, We win
Anyone who thinks Judaism is just the Christian Old Testament or Christianity without completion is also wrong.
In a decisive move away from Judaism, which is focused on life and the living, Christianity focused on death, an afterlife, and individual salvation from a fiery eternity. Yet, Christianity claims that Judaism has no value except in its use to Christianity, thereby making it easy to assume that Jews are “rejecting” the beliefs of Christians.
In actuality, Judaism is a life-affirming practice with so little focus on death that the Mourners Kaddish praises G-d and makes no mention of an afterlife. Although we honor the dead and recognize the times to grieve, we do not adulate death. While many Christians have crosses or crucifixes in their homes and churches, Jews worship no demigod represented by symbols of death, dying or a human’s everlasting life. In Judaism, we are not born sinners and no one dies to save another’s soul. No one.
Just as the Ten Commandments were divided on two tablets delineating our obligations to G-d and to each other, we atone for our sins against each other and against G-d, individually and collectively, while we are alive. No one’s death atones for any sin.
Our synagogues do not have priests, preachers, or any equivalent hierarchy of a church. We have no Pope, Bishops, Cardinals, etc. Jews do not pray through any intermediary or have a religious country like the Vatican. Israel is a secular democracy of people practicing many religions. It is also the only country in the entire world that ensures safe harbor to Jews. In Judaism, saving lives is the highest priority.
Jews pray, individually and communally, directly to G-d. Our rabbis are teachers and our Torah is the “teaching or instruction.” We welcome serious commentary within the community. We see the truth of multiple perspectives. We remember the past and hope for the future, while finding joy and purpose in the present from generation to generation.
Jews have no imperative to proselytize nor do we think that anyone is in need of salvation after death. We believe that G-d created Jews and non-Jews.
We are created in G-D’s image and we are dust. The practice of Judaism balances the human ego and the id. We are not expected to do everything, nor are we free to do nothing. While G-d laughs, or weeps, at humanity and our limited human beliefs,G-d also loves us and wants us to choose life, loving kindness, charity, justice, righteousness, and mercy. To everything, there is a season. We walk with our G-d through every day of life and give thanks.
Judaism is about life. Jewish mourners set aside their grieving for 25 hours every week to welcome G-D’s gift of Shabbat. Shabbat is never subordinated to death, only to life. In fact, saving lives is the only acceptable reason to violate Shabbat - the weekly celebration of life. And this, all of this and much more, sustains Jews in times of trouble and makes all the difference in our lives.