No Money For Palis


Junior Member
Stop this insane support of these murderers. This is just stupid. Or maybe not, if the kill each other off that would solve the problem.

>>AMERICAN proposals to strengthen Mahmoud Abbas’s Palestinian security forces with additional guns and fighters have alarmed other Western nations, who argue that it is tantamount to supporting one faction in a potential civil war.

Fearing the strength of Hamas in Gaza, some US officials have urged that the moderate President Abbas should be given “deterrent capability” so that his Fatah-dominated Palestinian Authority forces can confront the Islamist group if talks on a national unity government fail.,,3-2459426,00.html#cid=OTC-RSS&attr=World
Support the one you can more easily influence. And let them fight it out. The more they kill each other the less they can have to go against us. Every war takes money. After the pals have fought it out we can either support them further and get a moderate government in place or cut off the funds again and let them starve.
Stop this insane support of these murderers. This is just stupid. Or maybe not, if the kill each other off that would solve the problem.

>>AMERICAN proposals to strengthen Mahmoud Abbas’s Palestinian security forces with additional guns and fighters have alarmed other Western nations, who argue that it is tantamount to supporting one faction in a potential civil war.

Fearing the strength of Hamas in Gaza, some US officials have urged that the moderate President Abbas should be given “deterrent capability” so that his Fatah-dominated Palestinian Authority forces can confront the Islamist group if talks on a national unity government fail.,,3-2459426,00.html#cid=OTC-RSS&attr=World

it should read "DEMOCRAT proposals..." instead of "AMERICAN..."