APP - No predictions yet


Former Vice President

But this poll can't be encouraging for the democrat party. It is pretty much universal conventional wisdom amongst JPP board liberals the GOP will lose the House in 2018.

What are they basing that on? When you ask them all they can muster is "the out party always loses seats".

Looking at this poll I don't see any positives for the democrat party. Their attitudes about white voters are baked in. Just coming up with an "economic message" won't cut it

What is really sad is that the GOP establishment is so blind that they can't see that hey could bury the democrats while Trumo is in office. They could ride Trump to electoral victory in 2018. But the GOP is no different than the democrat party beholden to special interests and big donors.

I am not making a 2018 prediction yet as I am torn. For one the congressional republicans haven't done much to show they deserve to be in the leadership but the people obviously hate the democrats. Couple that with the fact that democrats illegal immigrant base don't turn out in midterms and it makes for interesting nalysis
I don't know Alice, but think that poll numbers can be influenced depending on the questions asked and the outcome can change rather quickly. Let me make a prediction. If Reps keep waffling and don't deliver on their promises, this can turn quickly. Don't ever count out the left, they are master manipulators.
I don't know Alice, but think that poll numbers can be influenced depending on the questions asked and the outcome can change rather quickly. Let me make a prediction. If Reps keep waffling and don't deliver on their promises, this can turn quickly. Don't ever count out the left, they are master manipulators.

I agree about polls being manipulated, particularly polls done by the press. I tend to put a bit more credence in polls done for the parties by the parties because they can't afford to get them wrong.

I completely agree with regards to the GOP and said as much in my OP. They are the Surrender Party right now. Pathetic doesn't even describe how feckless McConnell and Ryan have been.
That's not why I groaned you, it was your broad brush statement about the left.

You disagree? It is a compliment.
I like you to consider Pelosi's recent statement. She considers herself a master manipulator.
Of course one could argue that, as long as Pelosi makes these statements, the poll might be accurate after all.
The dems have been counting on conventional wisdom but fail to acknowledge that they lost the faith of the working class upon which conventional wisdom was based. That's why they've been riding a losing streak for so long. They can thank obama for their fate.
You disagree? It is a compliment.
I like you to consider Pelosi's recent statement. She considers herself a master manipulator.
Of course one could argue that, as long as Pelosi makes these statements, the poll might be accurate after all.
I do not think being a manipulator is a compliment, I usually associate it with being unscrupulous, but that is just me, if Pelosi thinks it's a compliment, that's on her.
I do not think being a manipulator is a compliment, I usually associate it with being unscrupulous, but that is just me, if Pelosi thinks it's a compliment, that's on her.

You mean when you tried to manipulate someone (Guille) to try and get me to say something you could ban me for??

...Rana really did want you banned. She asked me to keep agitating you so you'd do something stupid. Remember when I first joined? I didn't like you. In fact, I've never liked you but I broke with the little progressive gangster wannabes because of the shit like Rana tried to pull with me. You're a target and I didn't like them trying to use me to get to're still a dumbass though.