NO Republican presidents worth mentioning since Regan ?


Villified User
Apparently the Republican presidential candidates feel that we have had no Republican presidents worth mentioning since Regan....
What does this say about the Republican party ?
Seems to be the general drift, most seem to be with the party of Regan but not with the party of any bush....
Darla before the next elextion you might see a CGI Regan endorsing one of the candidates. Standing right there beside them....
Darla before the next elextion you might see a CGI Regan endorsing one of the candidates. Standing right there beside them....

Yes! And maybe they can sing a duet of "bomb bomb bomb, bomb bomb Iran" Oh, it will be so touching. Not since Natalie and Nat King Cole sang "unforgettable" posthumously, will America have been so moved.
Are you kidding Damo? Did you watch the debate? I was expecting them to drag out his corpse, slap some makeup on him, stretch a grin onto his dead face, and genuflect.
I watched it on replay...

They were in the Reagan Library. I heard GHWB mentioned a few times and W mentioned only once.
I watched it on replay...

They were in the Reagan Library. I heard GHWB mentioned a few times and W mentioned only once.

There's a reason they were in the Reagan library. It's not like they were all standing around flummoxed "where is this thing again? the reagan library? i wonder who picked that spot"?

Yep, W was the four letter word of the night alright.
Words and music by bob cigar

Stood there boldly
Sweatin in the sun
Felt like a million
Felt like number one
The height of summer
Id never felt that strong
Like Iraq

I was eighteen
Didnt have a care
Working for peanuts
Not a dime to spare
But I was lean and
Solid everywhere
Like Iraq

My hands were steady
My eyes were clear and bright
My walk had purpose
My steps were leaned to the right
And I held firmly
To what I felt was right
Like Like Iraq

Like Iraq, I was certain of WMD
Like Iraq, I believed in GWB
Like Iraq, I was certain as I could be
Like Iraq

And I stood arrow straight
Unencumbered by my sight
Of all these liberals and their schemes
I stood proud, I stood tall
High above it all
I still believed in my dreams

Twenty years now
Whered they go?
Twenty years
I dont know
Sit and I wonder sometimes
Where theyve gone

And sometimes late at night
When Im bathed in the firefight
The moon comes callin a ghostly white
And I recall

Like Iraq. standin arrow straight
Like Iraq, chargin deaths gate
Like Iraq, carryin all the weight
Like Iraq

Like Iraq, the blood upon my skin
Like Iraq, will I ever see my kin
Like Iraq, will I ever walk again
Like Iraq

first renditiion
Words and music by bob cigar

Stood there boldly
Sweatin in the sun
Felt like a million
Felt like number one
The height of summer
Id never felt that strong
Like Iraq

I was eighteen
Didnt have a care
Working for peanuts
Not a dime to spare
But I was lean and
Solid everywhere
Like Iraq

My hands were steady
My eyes were clear and bright
My walk had purpose
My steps were leaned to the right
And I held firmly
To what I felt was right
Like Like Iraq

Like Iraq, I was certain of WMD
Like Iraq, I believed in GWB
Like Iraq, I was certain as I could be
Like Iraq

And I stood arrow straight
Unencumbered by my sight
Of all these liberals and their schemes
I stood proud, I stood tall
High above it all
I still believed in my dreams

Twenty years now
Whered they go?
Twenty years
I dont know
Sit and I wonder sometimes
Where theyve gone

And sometimes late at night
When Im bathed in the firefight
The moon comes callin a ghostly white
And I recall

Like Iraq. standin arrow straight
Like Iraq, chargin deaths gate
Like Iraq, carryin all the weight
Like Iraq

Like Iraq, the blood upon my skin
Like Iraq, will I ever see my kin
Like Iraq, will I ever walk again
Like Iraq

first renditiion

Wow. Usc that gave me chills.