No, Slaves Didn't Build This Country


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As always the lies of the democrats is on display. This proves CRT is a democrat racist lie

Not long ago, Disney ripped off any pretense of being a family company and dove head-first into the social justice muck with an episode of “The Proud Family” that featured a slam poetry segment that echoed the fringe critical race theory claim that “slaves built this country.”

So many kinds of people came to the new world and worked their own land, built their own towns, and established their own societies without the help of slaves. For one, the Trans-Atlantic slave trade transported well over 12 million slaves, but only a little over 300,000 made their way into the United States. This didn’t happen all at once. Slavery did officially begin in 1619, but it began with just over 20 slaves.

To think that over the course of time that singular group of people built an entire nation — even a burgeoning one — by themselves is the height of fantasy. Especially as you continue to plug in the numbers.The slave population would later balloon to around four million by the time the emancipation proclamation was signed in 1863, and while that number is tragically large, it doesn’t mean that there was a slave for every family. The vast majority of slaves were held in the agrarian south and even then, only around 25 percent of the south was wealthy enough to own slaves.

Meanwhile, the slave-free north continued to outpace the south by leaps and bounds, including agriculturally according to Warfare in the Western World:

“But in a longer struggle the North’s advantages were substantial. With a population of 20 million, the Northern states obviously possessed a much larger military manpower base, but their industrial capacity was far greater as well. In 1860 the North had over 110,000 manufacturing establishments, the South just 18,000. The North produced 94 percent of the country’s iron, 97 percent of is coal and – not incidentally – 97 percent of its firearms. It contained 22,000 miles of railroad to the South’s 8,500. The North outperformed the South agriculturally as well. Northerners held 75 percent of the country’s farm acreage, produced 60 percent of its livestock, 67 percent of its corn, and 81 percent of its wheat. All in all, they held 75 percent of the nation’s total wealth.”
Anyone that doesn't realize what a backbone slaves were for the country has their head so far up their ass they can see what was for dinner. Why diminish the fact that America grew up on the backs of these people?
Sheet wearing morons thinking that their limited view of the world through those pointy hoods is the final word. Sadly for them, it isn't:

Deeper Roots of Northern Slavery Unearthed
An investigation has revealed that one of Colonial New England’s most aristocratic families participated in the slave trade.

African American Slavery in the Colonial Era, 1619-1775

In general, the conditions of slavery in the northern colonies, where slaves were engaged more in nonagricultural pursuits (such as mining, maritime, and domestic work), were less severe and harsh than in the southern colonies, where most were used on plantations. Also there could be found in the northern colonies several influential religious groups that had moral precepts that encouraged them to practice a more benign form of slavery.
Anyone that doesn't realize what a backbone slaves were for the country has their head so far up their ass they can see what was for dinner. Why diminish the fact that America grew up on the backs of these people?
It's silly to imply that slave labor did not contribute to the building of this country. It is also silly to imply that slave labor contributed more than a small percentage. It is neither "all" nor "nothing."

Also, when discussing slave labor, it is counterproductive to omit the contributions of Chinese and European immigrants as well as those of prisoners of all types who were forced into heavy labor to build infrastructure.

It sure wasn't just WHITE TRUMPTARDED HYPOCRITICAL CHRISTIANS that think this country is all theirs and everybody else should all just die for them NOW so that we don't get in their way!
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Depending on who's numbers you want to accept, somewhere between 50,000 and 120,000 convicts were transported to America before the revolution. That represents roughly an equal number of people to slaves.

Easily, an equal number of people voluntarily entered into indentured servitude to come to America in that same period. Estimates run as high as 250,000 people entered into contracts for 3 to 10 years servitude (essentially slavery) in exchange for passage to America before the revolution. Indentured servants were usually treated no better than other slaves and race mattered little to most owners. Interestingly, included in these numbers are a significant number of Indians (from India) and Asians, although most ended up in Caribbean colonies rather than the US.

Also of note is that early slaves, including Blacks from Africa, were usually enslaved as indentured and had a term of service after which they were freed. It is only later, particularly after the US government stopped allowing importation of new slaves in 1807 (US ships were prohibited from slave trade in 1794) that slavery became unconditional and endless due to lack of access to a market to get new ones.

As for building America. That's clearly nonsense. Slaves were unskilled labor almost entirely. What indentured servants got apprenticed as part of their service only would lead to their becoming skilled journeymen on release. That was a distinct minority. Mass labor in and of itself is worthless unless organized, equipped, and led by others with a range of skills and abilities to utilize that labor.
It sure wasn't just WHITE TRUMPTARDED HYPOCRITICAL CHRISTIANS that think this country is all theirs and everybody else should all just die for them NOW so that we don't get in their way!
I'm sure all rational adults accept your claim of being able to read the minds of others.

I'm absolutely certain of it.
Depending on who's numbers you want to accept, somewhere between 50,000 and 120,000 convicts were transported to America before the revolution. That represents roughly an equal number of people to slaves.

Easily, an equal number of people voluntarily entered into indentured servitude to come to America in that same period. Estimates run as high as 250,000 people entered into contracts for 3 to 10 years servitude (essentially slavery) in exchange for passage to America before the revolution. Indentured servants were usually treated no better than other slaves and race mattered little to most owners. Interestingly, included in these numbers are a significant number of Indians (from India) and Asians, although most ended up in Caribbean colonies rather than the US.

Also of note is that early slaves, including Blacks from Africa, were usually enslaved as indentured and had a term of service after which they were freed. It is only later, particularly after the US government stopped allowing importation of new slaves in 1807 (US ships were prohibited from slave trade in 1794) that slavery became unconditional and endless due to lack of access to a market to get new ones.

As for building America. That's clearly nonsense. Slaves were unskilled labor almost entirely. What indentured servants got apprenticed as part of their service only would lead to their becoming skilled journeymen on release. That was a distinct minority. Mass labor in and of itself is worthless unless organized, equipped, and led by others with a range of skills and abilities to utilize that labor.

My mother's people came to the new world as indentured servants.
Sheet wearing morons thinking that their limited view of the world through those pointy hoods is the final word. Sadly for them, it isn't:

Deeper Roots of Northern Slavery Unearthed
An investigation has revealed that one of Colonial New England’s most aristocratic families participated in the slave trade.

African American Slavery in the Colonial Era, 1619-1775

In general, the conditions of slavery in the northern colonies, where slaves were engaged more in nonagricultural pursuits (such as mining, maritime, and domestic work), were less severe and harsh than in the southern colonies, where most were used on plantations. Also there could be found in the northern colonies several influential religious groups that had moral precepts that encouraged them to practice a more benign form of slavery.

The slave owners were the democrats in the south. The truth is a small percentage of the population owned slaves
It's silly to imply that slave labor did not contribute to the building of this country. It is also silly to imply that slave labor contributed more than a small percentage. It is neither "all" nor "nothing."

Also, when discussing slave labor, it is counterproductive to omit the contributions of Chinese and European immigrants as well as those of prisoners of all types who were forced into heavy labor to build infrastructure.

Read the facts in the OP link. It was a very small part of the country. Most people in this country did not own slaves
Try and run a cotton farm without slaves. Try and run any business without workers.

Try having either without someone who has the skills, drive, and knowledge to run it. Workers are easy to get. It's good leaders and entrepreneurs that are hard to come by.
No one with any sense will not claim that everyone here at the time had a hand in building this country. Democrats have not claimed otherwise and only a deranged idiot would claim they have.
Democrats do not use those words because that would entail honesty. Instead, Democrats speak of requiring people who look a certain way today pay reparations to people with a different appearance on account of one appearance building the country for the other.