No terrorist attacks on US soil since 9-11???


Well-known member
You Bush loving idiots...

Did you forget about ANTHRAX?

There were no terrorist attacks in the US the 8 years prior to 9/11~!
Bush did exactly what OBL wanted him to do anyway.

Put 150,000 americans into a quagmire in an arab country, so al qaeda could attack them at will, and bleed our country for years like a stuck pig.
Did you forget about the Oklahoma bombings or do you want to change that to foreign terrorist attacks?
If the standard has been changed to no foreign terrorist attacks "on american soil" as a measure of success, then we can stop talking about the USS cole, and the african embassy bombings.
Hey they stopped those 7 teenage guys in Florida with no money, no weapons, no plan, and no shoes who were going to join up with al Qaeda, from waging a successful war and taking over the United States. That was a real credit to their terrorist fighting ability, I thought the really did a good job on that one. Whatever happened to those seven kids anyway???

And don't forget that 16 year old kid who had the plan for the simultaneous strike against 7 football stadiums which he had had on his various websites for the past six months. I mean they stopped that attack dead in its tracks, too. So I think we just need to give these terrorist fighters more credit.
African Embassies are US Soil.

Okay, let's use your logic then.

The american embassy in bagdad is constantly under attack. So there have been more attacks on "U.S. soil" under Bush, than under clinton. By far, probably.

U.S. Nabs 7 in Embassy Attack
Sunday, January 30, 2005
Fox News

BAGHDAD, Iraq — U.S. forces on Saturday captured seven suspected insurgents believed to be behind an attack on the U.S. Embassy in Baghdad that killed two Americans and wounded six.

The rocket attack killed one civilian Defense Department employee and one naval officer. Of the six injured Americans, four were military and two were civilians, a military official said. A State Department spokesman said none of their injuries were life-threatening.,2933,145783,00.html
Okay, let's use your logic then.

The american embassy in bagdad is constantly under attack. So there have been more attacks on "U.S. soil" under Bush, than under clinton. By far, probably.

U.S. Nabs 7 in Embassy Attack
Sunday, January 30, 2005
Fox News

BAGHDAD, Iraq — U.S. forces on Saturday captured seven suspected insurgents believed to be behind an attack on the U.S. Embassy in Baghdad that killed two Americans and wounded six.

The rocket attack killed one civilian Defense Department employee and one naval officer. Of the six injured Americans, four were military and two were civilians, a military official said. A State Department spokesman said none of their injuries were life-threatening.,2933,145783,00.html
Yep. Traditionally and legally Embassies are the soil of the nation they are from.
It should be changed to forign terrorists, or islamofacist terrorists... as those are the ones Repunblicans give bush Bush credit for having protected us from for the past 5 years.
The 2001 anthrax attacks in the United States, also known as "Amerithrax" from its FBI codename, occurred over the course of several weeks beginning on September 18, 2001 (a week after the September 11, 2001 attacks). Letters containing anthrax bacteria were mailed to several news media offices and two U.S. Senators, killing five people and sickening seventeen others. The crime remains unsolved.

I did state that as a question. But hey Jarod if you want to use that as an attack you knock yourself out. LOL
Hey they stopped those 7 teenage guys in Florida with no money, no weapons, no plan, and no shoes who were going to join up with al Qaeda, from waging a successful war and taking over the United States. That was a real credit to their terrorist fighting ability, I thought the really did a good job on that one. Whatever happened to those seven kids anyway???

And don't forget that 16 year old kid who had the plan for the simultaneous strike against 7 football stadiums which he had had on his various websites for the past six months. I mean they stopped that attack dead in its tracks, too. So I think we just need to give these terrorist fighters more credit.

LOL. I love when you tell the florida story. Take over the US goverment!
I consider the fearmongering by the extreme right as terrorism. It does promote fear and expects reactions based on that fear. Seems like terrorism to me, terrorism does not require a bomb or poison, now does it ?
I consider the fearmongering by the extreme right as terrorism. It does promote fear and expects reactions based on that fear. Seems like terrorism to me, terrorism does not require a bomb or poison, now does it ?

It is a form of terrorism... Ive often pointed that out. Bush uses terror to gain political objectives. He does not kill anyone in the process... but he terrorizes those silly enought to fall into his trap.