NO WAY Democrats get the Senate... But how sweet would it be to get the HOUSE!


Well-known member
I did the numbers, Democrats aint getting the Senate.. It was always a longshot.... Ill be happy and suprised if we pick up two seats in the Senate!

All the contests are in Republican States!

But How GREAT for AMERICA to get the house!

Americans want Democratic reform and more liberal policies!
I did the numbers, Democrats aint getting the Senate.. It was always a longshot.... Ill be happy and suprised if we pick up two seats in the Senate!

All the contests are in Republican States!

But How GREAT for AMERICA to get the house!

Americans want Democratic reform and more liberal policies!

I am not ready to believe America wants more liberal policies. I am more inclined to believe that Americans just want change and are going to hold the republicans accountable for Iraq. Admit it, without Iraq the Democrats wouldn't have a chance at regaining the House or Senate, even with all the scandals endured by the republican party.
Achually I agree, I was pretending to use Bush logic how when he came VERY close to loosing to John Kerry as a war incumbent he claimed to have earned "political capital" and how it was tantamount to a refrundum and support for his war in Iraq.
We just won't know till the ballots are tallied. Might be some big suprises one way or the other.
Poles are good for fences and wires, but not as good for predicting human behaviour.
True.. there are always some suprises... but the suprise this year, I think, will be that there are no suprises!
I am more woried about the problems that dont show up!

WOW!!! That really covers a hell of a lot of terrirtory doesn't it??? How could anyone possibly keep track of all those problems and worry about them too. You must really have a sheltered life. I've got all I can do to worrying about the problems that show up. WOW!!!

I guess someone has to do it though! Good For You!!!!!
Achually I agree, I was pretending to use Bush logic how when he came VERY close to loosing to John Kerry as a war incumbent he claimed to have earned "political capital" and how it was tantamount to a refrundum and support for his war in Iraq.

Right Alex......that would be the same "poor" logic, wouldn't it? I will be so glad when this election is over so we can see what happens.
I did the numbers, Democrats aint getting the Senate.. It was always a longshot.... Ill be happy and suprised if we pick up two seats in the Senate!

All the contests are in Republican States!

But How GREAT for AMERICA to get the house!

Americans want Democratic reform and more liberal policies!

When you said you "did the numbers" were you talking about smoking them?????
They just might. Depending on recounts. George Allen shot himself in the foot enough times that Virginia just may go D and give the Senate to the Ds.
The Democrats have won in Montana. In Virginia, there will be recounts and recounts and recounts since Allen will lose and whine but the Democrats have taken the Senate.