No WMD = WAR, WMD = Sanctions!

and to think that if Bush had only been able to keep his dick in his pants for six weeks or so, he would have KNOWN that Saddam didn't have any WMD's
I agree with US, no need for war. Pull our troops out of SK and arm Japan. Let NK have nukes if it can. Cut off all food aid and let them be.
I did support Iraq invasion. But only after diplomatic means failed. Now I think that my plan for NK is a good one to get the region to handle its problem. That couldn't happen in Iraq.
Lets see we told Saddam to disarm he did. We told him to let the weapons inspectors back in he did. Did he do this as well as we would have liked no but he at least tried to comply at least on the surface.

North Korea has flat out refused to abide by international law and thumbs its nose at everything you say and has even threatened us with retaliation if sanctions are tightened. Yet we talk of diplomacy after many years of the NK problem.

Meanwhile Saddam was told to step down as leader or suffer attack.

Lets me honest here. We attack countries that can't fight back. Iraq was crippled by years of sanctions and had no ability to resist. North Korea has a large army that has a significant ability to resist.

Is it any surprise to anyone here with a brain that in the axis of evil the country that poses the least threat militarily to the US is the one that was attacked.