NOAA caught juicing the data big time. Oh dear !

Just curious. Do you expect the Warmers to suddenly change course?

Not really. But they do need to have the spotlight get brighter showing the isolation of holding onto their mythology.
More importantly the political war has to be snuffed out. No new taxation due to this fraud.


OK so I guess any credibility they might have had has gone poof.
Not that there was any but man o man this is world class BS kids.

As i banned evince ill provide her response...
Racist, court case, science and another racist for good measure.


The only Credibility Poof is kind of yours, here. That article was ostensibly penned by one "Tony Heller," also known as "Steve Goddard," also known as "Someone Even Other Climate Change Deniers Make Fun Of."

The moment you start quoting Heller/Goddard/Whoeverhe/sheis is the moment you lose credibility yourself.

Sorry, but there's no proof going to come out of that website, just nonsense, less-than-psuedo-science, and bullshit.

I've already referenced (before the board apparently crashed and lost a bunch of stuff) my ex's work on a "re-evaluation report" for the EPA (yes, the US EPA) where they changed numbers around so that the chemical pollution of the Chesapeake Bay at the time (late '80s, early '90s, somewhere around then) didn't look as bad as it actually was.

I've witnessed with my own eyes that the government agency responsible for protecting the environment was willing to fudge numbers, but they fudged them the direction opposite of the one you're talking about.

Oh, and of course NOAA is lying about temperatures - which is why when it should've been 15 degrees it was in the 60s this past December and January. Because, you know, there's no warming going on.

CLEARLY the thermometers during that time in my geographic area were all being manipulated to lie to us all.

Ok so you can't refute the facts, so call names. Got it.

No, you're right. One cannot refute FACTS because, well, their general nature means they're irrefutable.

Which is exactly why I refute Tony Heller/Steve Goddard and anyone who believes their pseudo-pseudo-pseudo-scientific bullshit. Because neither he nor they would know a fact if it bit them on the ass.

Oh, and where did I call names? I simply stated that Tony Heller (who also calls himself Steve Goddard) is not credible.

I didn't call him or you a name. And he has in fact been mocked by other climate change deniers, so that's not name-calling. It's information.


The only Credibility Poof is kind of yours, here. That article was ostensibly penned by one "Tony Heller," also known as "Steve Goddard," also known as "Someone Even Other Climate Change Deniers Make Fun Of."

The moment you start quoting Heller/Goddard/Whoeverhe/sheis is the moment you lose credibility yourself.

Sorry, but there's no proof going to come out of that website, just nonsense, less-than-psuedo-science, and bullshit.

I've already referenced (before the board apparently crashed and lost a bunch of stuff) my ex's work on a "re-evaluation report" for the EPA (yes, the US EPA) where they changed numbers around so that the chemical pollution of the Chesapeake Bay at the time (late '80s, early '90s, somewhere around then) didn't look as bad as it actually was.

I've witnessed with my own eyes that the government agency responsible for protecting the environment was willing to fudge numbers, but they fudged them the direction opposite of the one you're talking about.

Oh, and of course NOAA is lying about temperatures - which is why when it should've been 15 degrees it was in the 60s this past December and January. Because, you know, there's no warming going on.

CLEARLY the thermometers during that time in my geographic area were all being manipulated to lie to us all.


When you are incapable of refuting the evidence...of course being an Alinskite....YOU ATTACK THE SOURCE...without providing any testable objective evidence yourself...YOU ACCUSE, AFTER YOU ATTACK via the typical LEFT WING ad hominem BULLSHIT. Its not difficult to spot the "projectionists" who project their own deceitful tactics upon others. Sounds kind'a TRUMPISH...the whining and gnashing of teeth void of any substance. :)

You can deny Alinsky all you want...but you can't run from the playbook being used.

Deny Climate Change? It would take an idiot to deny nature and the documented cycle of CLIMATE CHANGE THROUGHOUT HISTORY....THE BIG LIE is the position that "MAN" can somehow control that cycle by political ideologies....taxes, and money. Another Lie....Carbon Dioxide is somehow poison to the earth....when the very life of man himself is a carbon based life form. By claiming that man somehow controls the weather either for the good or the are claiming SUPERIORITY over nature. And you expect others to purchase the horseshit being peddled as truth? Again the word for today....

G U L L I B L E or.....the alternative


And of course....shall we forget


Of course we all accept your position.....YOU ARE SO MUCH SMARTER than those who don't purchase the propaganda being sold. :palm:
When you are incapable of refuting the evidence...of course being an Alinskite....YOU ATTACK THE SOURCE...

Because the source is a well-known crackpot. When I said that other climate change deniers have spoken against "Steve Goddard," I wasn't kidding.

When someone decides to post a nonsense article that contains misrepresented data, it's important to bring up the fact that the person who wrote that article is in fact well known for misrepresenting data. Nothing, absolutely nothing, which comes from "Steve Goddard" is or should be considered as reliable and verifiable.

without providing any testable objective evidence yourself...

Oh, you do that in every thread you post. Why is it that when I call you on your untestable, unscientific, nonsense comments in multiple threads since you started your crusade, you go silent? Because just like "Steve Goddard," you know when you've been caught in a lie?

Deny Climate Change? It would take an idiot to deny nature and the documented cycle of CLIMATE CHANGE THROUGHOUT HISTORY....THE BIG LIE is the position that "MAN" can somehow control that cycle by political ideologies....taxes, and money.

Ah, so you proceed from a false assumption, as usual. Man affects (not controls) climate change through the unmitigated emission of greenhouse gasses (not just carbon dioxide). The majority consensus of scientists the world over agree: there is an anthropogenic causal factor in climate change. People who wish to remain ignorant deny this. Large corporations who know that curbing the emissions that will one day lead to a runaway effect that alters our atmosphere to the point that it cannot sustain life as we know it deny this because curbing emissions will cost them money, which to them is much more important than lives.

Chevron, ExxonMobil and Conoco Phillips are among the big hitters in the oil gang that have come out and told their investors that they're going to face both financial and real physical risks due to the warming of the planet.

Exxon admitted not too long ago that they tried to hide evidence of the risks of climate change. The LA Times broke that story.

Want to know what Alan Jeffers, Exxon spokesperson said? I don't care if you do. Here's what he said:

ExxonMobil believes the risk of climate change is real and warrants action. ExxonMobil is taking action by reducing greenhouse gas emissions in our operations, helping consumers reduce their emissions, supporting research and participating in constructive dialogue on policy options.

At least they're being partially honest, if only after being exposed by the LA Times.

The big lie is people like you, who switch the word "affect" for "control" and try to sell THAT horseshit. Man doesn't control the climate, we affect it, and that's what the scientists have said all along. And you KNOW it, which makes YOU a liar.

Another Lie....Carbon Dioxide is somehow poison to the earth....when the very life of man himself is a carbon based life form. By claiming that man somehow controls the weather either for the good or the are claiming SUPERIORITY over nature. And you expect others to purchase the horseshit being peddled as truth?

You are more than welcome to go into a room, seal it and fill it with carbon dioxide. Then we'll all know whether or not it's toxic. Go on. You're a carbon-based life form. I'm sure you'll be just fine.

While you do that, we'll all be here NOT claiming that humans control the climate but affect it, contrary to the lie you're shilling.

Of course we all accept your position.....YOU ARE SO MUCH SMARTER than those who don't purchase the propaganda being sold.

You just let us know how things turn out after sealing yourself in that room filled with carbon dioxide. We'll wait.

Until then, though, those of us who actually are smarter than you (and it looks like there's a lot of us) will not purchase the unmitigated lies you're peddling.

The word for the day? "Asphyxiation."
No, you're right. One cannot refute FACTS because, well, their general nature means they're irrefutable.

Which is exactly why I refute Tony Heller/Steve Goddard and anyone who believes their pseudo-pseudo-pseudo-scientific bullshit. Because neither he nor they would know a fact if it bit them on the ass.

Oh, and where did I call names? I simply stated that Tony Heller (who also calls himself Steve Goddard) is not credible.

I didn't call him or you a name. And he has in fact been mocked by other climate change deniers, so that's not name-calling. It's information.

So facts are only facts when you agree? They don't quit being facts because you don't like them.
Because the source is a well-known crackpot. When I said that other climate change deniers have spoken against "Steve Goddard," I wasn't kidding.

When someone decides to post a nonsense article that contains misrepresented data, it's important to bring up the fact that the person who wrote that article is in fact well known for misrepresenting data. Nothing, absolutely nothing, which comes from "Steve Goddard" is or should be considered as reliable and verifiable.

Oh, you do that in every thread you post. Why is it that when I call you on your untestable, unscientific, nonsense comments in multiple threads since you started your crusade, you go silent? Because just like "Steve Goddard," you know when you've been caught in a lie?

Ah, so you proceed from a false assumption, as usual. Man affects (not controls) climate change through the unmitigated emission of greenhouse gasses (not just carbon dioxide). The majority consensus of scientists the world over agree: there is an anthropogenic causal factor in climate change. People who wish to remain ignorant deny this. Large corporations who know that curbing the emissions that will one day lead to a runaway effect that alters our atmosphere to the point that it cannot sustain life as we know it deny this because curbing emissions will cost them money, which to them is much more important than lives.

Chevron, ExxonMobil and Conoco Phillips are among the big hitters in the oil gang that have come out and told their investors that they're going to face both financial and real physical risks due to the warming of the planet.

Exxon admitted not too long ago that they tried to hide evidence of the risks of climate change. The LA Times broke that story.

Want to know what Alan Jeffers, Exxon spokesperson said? I don't care if you do. Here's what he said:

At least they're being partially honest, if only after being exposed by the LA Times.

The big lie is people like you, who switch the word "affect" for "control" and try to sell THAT horseshit. Man doesn't control the climate, we affect it, and that's what the scientists have said all along. And you KNOW it, which makes YOU a liar.

You are more than welcome to go into a room, seal it and fill it with carbon dioxide. Then we'll all know whether or not it's toxic. Go on. You're a carbon-based life form. I'm sure you'll be just fine.

While you do that, we'll all be here NOT claiming that humans control the climate but affect it, contrary to the lie you're shilling.

You just let us know how things turn out after sealing yourself in that room filled with carbon dioxide. We'll wait.

Until then, though, those of us who actually are smarter than you (and it looks like there's a lot of us) will not purchase the unmitigated lies you're peddling.

The word for the day? "Asphyxiation."

Poppycock and bullshit in equal measure. This is Tony Heller stop indulging in tired old conspriracy theories.

I missed this thread as I was still in S E Asia on one of my exotic holidays as Zappa's Banjo would term it!

Selected Highlights of the Updated 2010 Report featuring over 1,000 international scientists dissenting from man-made climate fears:

“We’re not scientifically there yet. Despite what you may have heard in the media, there is nothing like a consensus of scientific opinion that this is a problem. Because there is natural variability in the weather, you cannot statistically know for another 150 years.” — UN IPCC’s Tom Tripp, a member of the UN IPCC since 2004 and listed as one of the lead authors and serves as the Director of Technical Services & Development for U.S. Magnesium.

“Any reasonable scientific analysis must conclude the basic theory wrong!!” — NASA Scientist Dr. Leonard Weinstein who worked 35 years at the NASA Langley Research Center and finished his career there as a Senior Research Scientist. Weinstein is presently a Senior Research Fellow at the National Institute of Aerospace.

“Please remain calm: The Earth will heal itself — Climate is beyond our power to control…Earth doesn’t care about governments or their legislation. You can’t find much actual global warming in present-day weather observations. Climate change is a matter of geologic time, something that the earth routinely does on its own without asking anyone’s permission or explaining itself.” — Nobel Prize-Winning Stanford University Physicist Dr. Robert B. Laughlin, who won the Nobel Prize for physics in 1998, and was formerly a research scientist at Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory.

“In essence, the jig is up. The whole thing is a fraud. And even the fraudsters that fudged data are admitting to temperature history that they used to say didn’t happen…Perhaps what has doomed the Climategate fraudsters the most was their brazenness in fudging the data” — Dr. Christopher J. Kobus, Associate Professor of Mechanical Engineering at Oakland University, specializes in alternative energy, thermal transport phenomena, two-phase flow and fluid and thermal energy systems.

“The energy mankind generates is so small compared to that overall energy budget that it simply cannot affect the climate…The planet’s climate is doing its own thing, but we cannot pinpoint significant trends in changes to it because it dates back millions of years while the study of it began only recently. We are children of the Sun; we simply lack data to draw the proper conclusions.” — Russian Scientist Dr. Anatoly Levitin, the head of geomagnetic variations laboratory at the Institute of Terrestrial Magnetism, Ionosphere and Radiowave Propagation of the Russian Academy of Sciences.

“Hundreds of billion dollars have been wasted with the attempt of imposing a Anthropogenic Global Warming (AGW) theory that is not supported by physical world evidences…AGW has been forcefully imposed by means of a barrage of scare stories and indoctrination that begins in the elementary school textbooks.” — Brazilian Geologist Geraldo Luís Lino, who authored the 2009 book “The Global Warming Fraud: How a Natural Phenomenon Was Converted into a False World Emergency.”

“I am an environmentalist,” but “I must disagree with Mr. Gore” — Chemistry Professor Dr. Mary Mumper, the chair of the Chemistry Department at Frostburg State University in Maryland, during her presentation titled “Anthropogenic Carbon Dioxide and Global Warming, the Skeptic’s View.”

“I am ashamed of what climate science has become today.” The science “community is relying on an inadequate model to blame CO2 and innocent citizens for global warming in order to generate funding and to gain attention. If this is what ‘science’ has become today, I, as a scientist, am ashamed.” — Research Chemist William C. Gilbert published a study in August 2010 in the journal Energy & Environment titled “The thermodynamic relationship between surface temperature and water vapor concentration in the troposphere” and he published a paper in August 2009 titled “Atmospheric Temperature Distribution in a Gravitational Field.” [Update December 9, 2010]

“The dysfunctional nature of the climate sciences is nothing short of a scandal. Science is too important for our society to be misused in the way it has been done within the Climate Science Community.” The global warming establishment “has actively suppressed research results presented by researchers that do not comply with the dogma of the IPCC.” — Swedish Climatologist Dr. Hans Jelbring, of the Paleogeophysics & Geodynamics Unit at Stockholm University. [Updated December 9, 2010. Corrects Jelbring’s quote.]

“Those who call themselves ‘Green planet advocates’ should be arguing for a CO2- fertilized atmosphere, not a CO2-starved atmosphere…Diversity increases when the planet was warm AND had high CO2 atmospheric content…Al Gore’s personal behavior supports a green planet – his enormous energy use with his 4 homes and his bizjet, does indeed help make the planet greener. Kudos, Al for doing your part to save the planet.” — Renowned engineer and aviation/space pioneer Burt Rutan, who was named “100 most influential people in the world, 2004” by Time Magazine and Newsweek called him “the man responsible for more innovations in modern aviation than any living engineer.”

“Global warming is the central tenet of this new belief system in much the same way that the Resurrection is the central tenet of Christianity. Al Gore has taken a role corresponding to that of St Paul in proselytizing the new faith…My skepticism about AGW arises from the fact that as a physicist who has worked in closely related areas, I know how poor the underlying science is. In effect the scientific method has been abandoned in this field.” — Atmospheric Physicist Dr. John Reid, who worked with Australia’s CSIRO’s (Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organization) Division of Oceanography and worked in surface gravity waves (ocean waves) research.

“We maintain there is no reason whatsoever to worry about man-made climate change, because there is no evidence whatsoever that such a thing is happening.” — Greek Earth scientists Antonis Christofides and Nikos Mamassis of the National Technical University of Athens’ Department of Water Resources and Environmental Engineering.

“There are clear cycles during which both temperature and salinity rise and fall. These cycles are related to solar activity…In my opinion and that of our institute, the problems connected to the current stage of warming are being exaggerated. What we are dealing with is not a global warming of the atmosphere or of the oceans.” — Biologist Pavel Makarevich of the Biological Institute of the Russian Academy of Sciences.

“Because the greenhouse effect is temporary rather than permanent, predictions of significant global warming in the 21st century by IPCC are not supported by the data.” — Hebrew University Professor Dr. Michael Beenstock an honorary fellow with Institute for Economic Affairs who published a study challenging man-made global warming claims titled “Polynomial Cointegration Tests of the Anthropogenic Theory of Global Warming.”

“The whole idea of anthropogenic global warming is completely unfounded. There appears to have been money gained by Michael Mann, Al Gore and UN IPCC’s Rajendra Pachauri as a consequence of this deception, so it’s fraud.” — South African astrophysicist Hilton Ratcliffe, a member of the Astronomical Society of Southern Africa (ASSA) and the Astronomical Society of the Pacific and a Fellow of the British Institute of Physics.
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Poppycock and bullshit in equal measure. This is Tony Heller so stop indulging in tired old conspiracy theories. So Stelakh, he is offering to debate somebody like you, are you up to the challenge?

I am more than happy to debate anyone who feels up to the challenge, including the President of The United States. Science works through research and debate – not censorship, propaganda, faith, or intimidation.


If Stelakh had bothered to go to his website all would be revealed, but then conspiracy theorists always prefer the exotic to the mundane!!

Who Is Steven Goddard?

My name is Tony Heller. I am a whistle blower. I am an independent thinker who is considered a heretic by the orthodoxy on both sides of the climate debate.
I live in Columbia, Maryland – an amazing city where I can ride my bicycle everywhere through the forest, and never need to get in a car.

I am a lifelong environmentalist. I testified at my first Congressional subcommittee hearing at age 15 in Kanab, Utah, in support of a wilderness area – very close to the one which President Obama recently set aside. I worked to get the Clean Air Act passed. I worked as a volunteer wilderness ranger for two summers in the Cibola and Santa Fe National Forests in New Mexico. I worked on the Safety Analysis Report for DOE’s nuclear waste disposal site in New Mexico. I probably have the smallest electricity bill in Columbia, Maryland because I am very careful not to waste. I have never turned on my heat or air conditioning.

I have degrees in Geology and Electrical Engineering, and worked on the design team of many of the world’s most complex designs, including some which likely power your PC or Mac. I have worked as a contract software developer on climate and weather models for the US government.

I do not receive any funding other than small donations on my blog, which have worked out well below minimum wage. I have tried to obtain funding, but skeptics with money are terrified of political attacks directed by the White House and/or being targeted by the IRS. They openly state this to me.

My position on global warming:

The claims of 97% consensus are a massive lie. Only 52% of American Meteorological Society members believe that man is the primary contributor to global warming.

The radiative transfer models used by government climate scientists show that going up to 550 PPM or even 1000 PPM CO2 will make minimal difference to the radiative balance of the atmosphere. The knee of the CO2 curve is at about 30 PPM, and additional CO2 has little first order effect. This is because almost all radiation in the CO2 absorption spectra is already being absorbed by H2O or CO2 molecules. Adding more CO2 has minimal effect, because there is not much radiation left to be absorbed. (This is a bit of an oversimplification because of second order effects, but those are also small.) There is no indication from the radiative transfer models used by government scientists that additional CO2 will cause large amounts of heating.

The temperature record of both the US and the world has been massively altered since older versions, almost invariably to create the appearance of more warming, and in some cases to create warming where there is none.

Sea level has been rising for 20,000 years, and is now 400 feet higher than it was when the first humans walked to North America from Asia across the Bering Strait. Most of the apparent sea level rise on the US East Coast is due to the land sinking, not sea level rising. There has been little or no sea level rise on the West Coast.

The weather is not getting more severe. Since President Obama took office, there have been three US hurricane strikes – the fewest of any presidency. While Grover Cleveland was president in the 1880’s, the US was hit by twenty-six hurricanes. The US is currently experiencing its longest period since the 1860’s without a major (category 3-5) hurricane strike. The last one was Wilma in 2005.

Florida is currently experiencing the longest period on record without a hurricane strike. The US tornado count over the past two years has been the lowest in the modern record.

America’s worst forest fires occurred in 1871, when thousands of people burned to death in horrific firestorms around the Great Lakes – on the same day that Chicago burned to the ground.

Is climate change real?

Climate is cyclical and is always changing. People always imagine that they live in the worst of times, as this 1871 article from the Brisbane Courier states.


10 Jan 1871 – IMAGINARY CHANGES OF CLIMATE. (Pall Mall Gazette.)

If you want to learn more about climate history, I have assembled a large collection of old newspaper articles about the weather below 350 PPM CO2. If you read through this, you will understand that lowering CO2 will not make the weather any better, or worse.

I am more than happy to debate anyone who feels up to the challenge, including the President of The United States. Science works through research and debate – not censorship, propaganda, faith, or intimidation.
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Poppycock and bullshit in equal measure. This is Tony Heller stop indulging in tired old conspriracy theories.

Tony Heller is the one who is nothing but conspiracy theories.

If Stelakh had bothered to go to his website all would be revealed, but then conspiracy theorists always prefer the exotic to the mundane!!

I have been to his website on many occasions to see what nonsense he has managed to cobble together.

Heller engages in a never ending litany of the lies, manipulation of data and nonsense that he so often accuses others of in his crusade against actual science and people far more qualified than him (he has a BS in geology and a Masters in electrical engineering - he is neither a chemist nor meteorologist). So you'll forgive me if I take the words of scientists who have doctorates in the applicable and appropriate fields over Heller.

It is not a conspiracy theory to say that other climate change deniers have mocked or rebuked Heller. It is not conspiracy theory to say that Heller has presented as fact research that A) others had done, and B) that Heller had taken and manipulated to say what he wanted.

He frequently ignores important factors in his alleged analyses, and presents information using information he knows to be flawed.

That's not conspiracy theory, either.
Tony Heller is the one who is nothing but conspiracy theories.

I have been to his website on many occasions to see what nonsense he has managed to cobble together.

Heller engages in a never ending litany of the lies, manipulation of data and nonsense that he so often accuses others of in his crusade against actual science and people far more qualified than him (he has a BS in geology and a Masters in electrical engineering - he is neither a chemist nor meteorologist). So you'll forgive me if I take the words of scientists who have doctorates in the applicable and appropriate fields over Heller.

It is not a conspiracy theory to say that other climate change deniers have mocked or rebuked Heller. It is not conspiracy theory to say that Heller has presented as fact research that A) others had done, and B) that Heller had taken and manipulated to say what he wanted.

He frequently ignores important factors in his alleged analyses, and presents information using information he knows to be flawed.

That's not conspiracy theory, either.

So you do agree that you make the determination of something being fact on whether or not you agree. Thanks for admitting it.