APP - Nobody could have seen this coming. Nobody

No they didn't.
They found other options, because employees are important to administrators and people are important to some other humans.
Lying is not indicated by a different outcome than the one initialy projected.
No they didn't.
They found other options, because employees are important to administrators and people are important to some other humans.
Lying is not indicated by a different outcome than the one initialy projected.

Maybe they just didnt look hard enough in the beginning. Remember we were told that sequestration was going to crash the economy. It didnt.

People who believed those lies should be embarrassed. The people who peddled those lies should be embarrassed
Maybe they just didnt look hard enough in the beginning. Remember we were told that sequestration was going to crash the economy. It didnt.

People who believed those lies should be embarrassed. The people who peddled those lies should be embarrassed

How much time should the government have invested into investigating every possible outcome of an uncertain scenario?

A perfect, completely thorough study would have been very expensive and wasteful, and then you would be complaining about that instead.

Admit that there were no lies, you have nothing, and move on. If you are man enough to admit you are wrong that is.
A perfect, completely thorough study would have been very expensive and wasteful, and then you would be complaining about that instead.

lol....studying ways to eliminate wasted expense would have been expensive and wasteful........gosh, you sound like a liberal......
Yes, in the context that the sequestration was only a possibility.

actually, sequestration turned out to be a good move on Obama's those agencies where it was believed people were actually doing something, they managed to quickly identify areas where money was being wasted and stopped that the others, they simply acknowledged that they had people who weren't actually doing anything.....we should make sequestration more than just a possibility....we should make it an ongoing reality.....and NOW I sound like a conservative.....
How much time should the government have invested into investigating every possible outcome of an uncertain scenario?

A perfect, completely thorough study would have been very expensive and wasteful, and then you would be complaining about that instead.

Admit that there were no lies, you have nothing, and move on. If you are man enough to admit you are wrong that is.

Shouldn't have taken much time at all. Just look at the budget and find places to cut. How hard can that be?

You seem to making the argument that the government is too large.
Shouldn't have taken much time at all. Just look at the budget and find places to cut. How hard can that be?

You seem to making the argument that the government is too large.

It is too large. I suggest we cut the legislative budget by 2/3s, mostly by eliminating perks that almost no other americans can afford,
The defence dept. by 75% and use it for defence instead of imperialism,
Eliminate the bloated dept of homeland security, the nsa, BATF, DEA, cut the budget of the both the FBI and the CIA by 75% just for starters.
While we are at it, the top 30% of management of the FDA should be eliminated and replaced by scientists instead of politicians, and the same for FEMA and any other such organisation.

No agency jobs should ever be awarded to politicians as plums.

Furthermore, the revolving door between Government and corporate employment should be shut and barred
K Street should be eliminated, and the electoral collge as well.

Is that enough of a start for you, ILA?
It is too large. I suggest we cut the legislative budget by 2/3s, mostly by eliminating perks that almost no other americans can afford,
The defence dept. by 75% and use it for defence instead of imperialism,
Eliminate the bloated dept of homeland security, the nsa, BATF, DEA, cut the budget of the both the FBI and the CIA by 75% just for starters.
While we are at it, the top 30% of management of the FDA should be eliminated and replaced by scientists instead of politicians, and the same for FEMA and any other such organisation.

No agency jobs should ever be awarded to politicians as plums.

Furthermore, the revolving door between Government and corporate employment should be shut and barred
K Street should be eliminated, and the electoral collge as well.

Is that enough of a start for you, ILA?

Actually you and I largely agree. I would take it farther and eliminate the FDA, EPA, Dept of Education, Energy, Agriculture, HUD, TSA, Commerce Dept, Interior to start

Think of the money we would save. Budget would be balanced in three years and debt would be paid in 10
Actually you and I largely agree. I would take it farther and eliminate the FDA, EPA, Dept of Education, Energy, Agriculture, HUD, TSA, Commerce Dept, Interior to start

Think of the money we would save. Budget would be balanced in three years and debt would be paid in 10

TSA would already be gone with the elimination of homeland security.
FDA, EPA and Education are vital to public safety/well being.

HUD is a proven failure, but Commerce likely pays it's own way, though indirectly and hard to measure.