Non white racist criminal scum getting away with violence and murder

David Jeffrey Spetch

Verified User
The sick mockery we have instead of justice!

The Frank Five #5 - The Declining Rule Of Law In Canada (5 & 1/2 minute video and pretty much spot on, well done Frank)


Primary Factual Fundamentalist World Class Activist
David Jeffrey Spetch
Ps. Be good, be strong!
Hamilton Ontario Canada
Consider, how many dogs are in Canada have been convicted of murder? It's not like a dog in Canada never killed anyone. So, why no murder convictions? Because dogs are subhuman, so they're not even tried. Likewise, blacks shouldn't be dragged to court. If you don't want to get killed by a rabid black, carry a gun.

Who complains about a double standard between dogs and people? So, why does anyone complain about a double standard between white people and blacks?
Consider, how many dogs are in Canada have been convicted of murder? It's not like a dog in Canada never killed anyone. So, why no murder convictions? Because dogs are subhuman, so they're not even tried. Likewise, blacks shouldn't be dragged to court. If you don't want to get killed by a rabid black, carry a gun.

Who complains about a double standard between dogs and people? So, why does anyone complain about a double standard between white people and blacks?

Humans aren't dogs even though some might get treated as such ...