Northeast Liberals ☛ AGAIN!


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Of course, Trump has to be judged by his governing skills. That is where the knocks are justified.

Trump, sure as hell ain’t a conservative, nor is he a full-blown liberal. He is a 50/50 Republican. Fifty percent Establishment Republican and fifty percent RINO.

In addition to Trump’s obvious flaws he is from NY. That makes him no less of a Northeast liberal in spirit than the Clintons who came from Arkansas.

Frankly, I always thought voters in 2016 had a choice between two NE liberals; Donald Trump and Hillary Clinton. Alas, the 2020 race is shaping up as another battle of NE Libs in both parties.

Northeast Liberal is a political philosophy not a location. Aside from the well-known Northeast Liberal states on the East Coast there are three Northeast Liberal states on the West Coast. Landlocked Illinois is a hardcore Northeast Liberal state.

There are 9 undeniable Northeast liberal states out of 50.

It matters not which Democrat gets the nomination. The general election will once again be a race between two Northeast liberals. Rigging the poplar vote is probably a bridge too far for Democrats. That makes rigging the Electoral College vote-count paramount than it was in any past election.

I do not know if another Democrat will crawl out from under a rock before the nominating convention, but one of these three will be the Democrat Party’s candidate as it stands now:


Senile Joe Biden is brain dead. A plus for federal bureaucrats.

Bernie Sanders never wanted the nomination:

The Dirty Old Commie never wanted to face Trump in the general election. Sanders, more than anybody, feared his own defeat:

Andrew Cuomo is Trump’s pal. I expect them to beat each other to death with meaningless rhetoric. Trump cannot promise to dismantle any part of the welfare state, and Cuomo cannot promise he will represent every American.

Trump says of N.Y. Gov. Cuomo: 'I wouldn't mind running against Andrew'
NBC News
Rebecca Shabad
Mar 30th 2020 10:09AM
This is a great piece that details the influence of the Northeast United States.

Northern industrialization expanded rapidly following the War of 1812. Industrialized manufacturing began in New England, where wealthy merchants built water-powered textile mills (and mill towns to support them) along the rivers of the Northeast. These mills introduced new modes of production centralized within the confines of the mill itself. As never before, production relied on mechanized sources with water power, and later steam, to provide the force necessary to drive machines. In addition to the mechanization and centralization of work in the mills, specialized, repetitive tasks assigned to wage laborers replaced earlier modes of handicraft production done by artisans at home. The operations of these mills irrevocably changed the nature of work by deskilling tasks, breaking down the process of production to its most basic, elemental parts. In return for their labor, the workers, who at first were young women from rural New England farming families, received wages. From its origin in New England, manufacturing soon spread to other regions of the United States.

See these two sections if you are interested in political evolution:




My question is “When did the country’s productive Northeast become destructive Northeast Liberal? My best answer is 1913 with the XVI Amendment. In short: There would be no political Northeast Liberals without the income tax:

Northeast Liberal is a political philosophy not a location. Aside from the well-known Northeast Liberal states on the East Coast there are three Northeast Liberal states on the West Coast. Landlocked Illinois is a hardcore Northeast Liberal state.
This is a great piece that details the influence of the Northeast United States.

Northern industrialization expanded rapidly following the War of 1812. Industrialized manufacturing began in New England, where wealthy merchants built water-powered textile mills (and mill towns to support them) along the rivers of the Northeast. These mills introduced new modes of production centralized within the confines of the mill itself. As never before, production relied on mechanized sources with water power, and later steam, to provide the force necessary to drive machines. In addition to the mechanization and centralization of work in the mills, specialized, repetitive tasks assigned to wage laborers replaced earlier modes of handicraft production done by artisans at home. The operations of these mills irrevocably changed the nature of work by deskilling tasks, breaking down the process of production to its most basic, elemental parts. In return for their labor, the workers, who at first were young women from rural New England farming families, received wages. From its origin in New England, manufacturing soon spread to other regions of the United States.

See these two sections if you are interested in political evolution:




My question is “When did the country’s productive Northeast become destructive Northeast Liberal? My best answer is 1913 with the XVI Amendment. In short: There would be no political Northeast Liberals without the income tax:

"Industrial Revolution, in modern history, the process of change from an agrarian and handicraft economy to one dominated by industry and machine manufacturing. This process began in Britain in the 18th century and from there spread to other parts of the world. Although used earlier by French writers, the term Industrial Revolution was first popularized by the English economic historian Arnold Toynbee (1852–83) to describe Britain’s economic development from 1760 to 1840. Since Toynbee’s time the term has been more broadly applied.

Considering most of the companies in the Northeast were owned and operated by people with close ties to England we can thus give credit to the British not the Northeast for industrializing our nation.
At least the northeast is less bigoted and more accepting of women and minorities.

To Gonzomin: Certainly more accepting to border-jumpers with diseases. Less accepting to white American Christians.

Northeast Liberal is a political philosophy not a location. Aside from the well-known Northeast Liberal states on the East Coast there are three Northeast Liberal states on the West Coast. Landlocked Illinois is a hardcore Northeast Liberal state.
Not all NE politics suck, we helped get Trump elected.
Don't shit on us, we kicked your ass once.

The earliest ancestry of my family in the US was after the Civil War ended. I escaped from the NE 23 years ago. NOBODY kicked our asses.
The earliest ancestry of my family in the US was after the Civil War ended. I escaped from the NE 23 years ago. NOBODY kicked our asses.

Then don't accuse all of us that our politics suck. Not all of us live in shithole cities.
I lived in an awesome area of Upstate NY, but that didn't make the state politics any better.

Despite the alarming number of stupid (liberal/progressive) people here in PA, we did help defeat the biggest threat to this country in 2016. I will defend us against anyone who would say our politics suck.
Despite the alarming number of stupid (liberal/progressive) people here in PA, we did help defeat the biggest threat to this country in 2016. I will defend us against anyone who would say our politics suck.

I was referring to the NE. PA isn't part of that political shithole. Neither is NH.