Not fluent in Trumpanese? The Trump-English dictionary. 1st edition

Guno צְבִי

We fight, We win, Am Yisrael Chai
Not fluent in Trumpanese? The Trump-English dictionary. 1st edition

If you’re over 40, then I’m preaching to the choir. At some family function somewhere over the years when you were young, you heard either Grandma or Great Grandma trying to scare the living bejesus out of all the kids by relating how, when a chicken has its head chopped off, if let go it runs around the yard, until there’s not enough blood left to pump anymore. Why is this the first thing I think of whenever I consider the political life of El Presidente Pendejo and his big, fat mouth?

The opening lyrics say it all. No, I don’t mean that we’re lucky enough to have seen His Lowness’ amply portioned wallet warmer trundle up the stairs of Marine One for the last time. Unfortunately, he will continue to stink up the leather Oval Office chair with Trump branded Gucci knockoff farts. Forget what he does or does not actually get done.. Ceremonially, he’ll still get wood every time they play “Hail to the Chief” when he walks into the room.

Actually, Trump’s mouth can run for much longer than that chickens legs, simply because his mouth was never connected to his brain in the first place. But what do Trump’s words actually mean, if in fact they mean anything at all? The way I see it, even a baby actually “means” something when they yammer and coo, we just don’t know what it is. Sound like anybody you know who looks like they want to sell you Haitian penny stocks in that Nixon throwback suit? So, today that’s what I’m here for, to try and help you with the rather torturous translation from the garbled pidgin English Trump bleats like a drunken sheep and something we can all understand.

“We’re going to let Trump be Trump” Translation — We can’t control the stupid bastard anyway, so why knock ourselves out fighting a losing battle?

“I have signed more bills than any President in history” Translation — Ummmm. IOU’s to Russian oligarchs still count as bills, right??? After all, you do owe them the money.

“Will AG Sessions stay in his job? Time will tell, Time will tell” Translation — I’m waiting for you to forget this question (See “In a couple of weeks Melania is gonna hold a nice press conference about her immigration status”)

“I have heard from many, many people” Translation — Somebody just told me this, I think it was Alex Jones, so you know it’s true.