Not going to work today

Never watched that film. It wwas near 70 and sunny here today so I fooled around outside all day. Going to volunteer for layoff in a few weeks anyway.
Just commenting that those who live in glass postings should not throw stones.

I had deviled ham, crackers and 2 MT. Dews for my noon snack though. Ummm processed meat. Just do not read the label.
Well off to the back porch to sear a large hunk of decaying bovine flesh on the grill. Salad is made and baked tater is in the nukerwave.
My cook/housekeeper is out sick this week. Don't want her giving me a cold anyway.
Have a good un MR. code Blue.

Well off to the back porch to sear a large hunk of decaying bovine flesh on the grill. Salad is made and baked tater is in the nukerwave.
My cook/housekeeper is out sick this week. Don't want her giving me a cold anyway.
Have a good un MR. code Blue.

I certainly don't live in a glass house...however 'Code Blue' yup ya got me there...and damn proud of my service! and by the way no real cook would ever bake a potatoe in the nuke...nor turkey...nor's only for fast food...;) and I am the housekeeper in my little shack....thank you very much!
BB's mind is in the gutter. Old men often get that way.

I am pleasantly bloated now after supper. going to bed soon.

BB's mind is in the gutter. Old men often get that way.

I am pleasantly bloated now after supper. going to bed soon.

Not really...I just did not know what else to say after damos comment....then waterbabies's about dinner time here so I best head into the sunset also...before this really digressses!:cof1: Night all!