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Sunday meditation: Obama and the punishment of unborn life

March 30, 2008 11:24 AM I wonder how pro-life Catholic Democrats (let ALONE Conservatives or Republicans, if he makes it to the general Election!)will react to Barack Obama’s pregnancy-as-punitive and pregnancy-as-inconvenience-on-par-with STDs rhetoric? There’s a careless callousness in Obama’s phrasing yesterday that’s definitely not going to sit well with the staunch Pennsylvania pro-life voting bloc. What do you think? Quote:

Out in western Pennsylvania, the issue of abortion can strike a nerve. Democrats there often describe themselves economic liberals and social conservatives who favor gun rights and oppose abortion rights.

So, it was not unusual to see a woman stand near the end of Barack Obama’s town hall meeting in Johnstown, Penn., and offer a hurried, passionate plea for him to “stop these abortions.”

…The exchange appeared to be prompted by Obama’s earlier comments that he does not favor abstinence-only education, but rather comprehensive sexual education that includes information on abstinence and birth control.

“Look, I got two daughters — 9 years old and 6 years old,” he said. “I am going to teach them first about values and morals, but if they make a mistake, I don’t want them punished with a baby. I don’t want them punished with an STD at age 16, so it doesn’t make sense to not give them information.”

Huh? Who thinks of babies as “punishment”?

Better yet, what kind of father would describe babies as “punishment”? As a father of six children (three of them teenagers), I was dumbfounded by Obama’s use of this phrase. Of course, this being a Democratic primary, there’s really no difference between Obama and Hillary on the abortion issue, but Obama’s bizarre phrasing is still remarkable.

Regardless of your feelings on sexual education, this statement oozes with animosity. It also reveals the true heart of Barack Obama. Despite his so-called “understanding” of both sides of the abortion issue, any person that could utter such cold, abhorrence when discussing a fellow human being has no intention of displaying any goodwill to pro-lifers.
Below are the most fascinating I have EVER read, from a large group of people. These people have already indentified themselves as a MIX- There are Democrats, Republicans, Liberals, Conservatives. Go to the page, and see for yourself. But READ some of these comments. This Baby-Killing flub he made be even WORSE than his Spiritual Advisor being a White-Hating Anti-American! Read what these people sy!

#2On March 30th, 2008 at 11:36 am, RealImmigrantChick said:
In light of BO’s stance for what would be murder of an already born baby in his state, what does one expect? The dems don’t value human life unless it is related to them (and sometiems even then). I also doubt very much BO will allow HIS 2 daughters in public school where they will learn how to put condoms on and about sexual activity. They will probably never have a sex ed class in their private school.

#20On March 30th, 2008 at 1:04 pm, Jim M. said:
Obama’s words are beyond reprehensible. And they echo a theme well beyond the issue of teenage sex: the abdication of personal responsibility.

There are consequences for the poor decisions one makes in life. Engage in unprotected sex and get pregnant. eat more calories than you use and face obesity. Spend more money than you make and face bankruptcy. Ignore the educational opportunities this country offers and prepare to be destined to a life of menial jobs.

Obama stands for the proposition that the government’s role is to absolve people of personal responsibility. Why should one practice abstinence, live within one’s means and endeavor to succeed when the government can provide the solution. Obama’s world would have peole trade their freedom to be responsible for their own lives for government intervention relieving them of that “burden”. The barter of one’s freedom for security. A people willing to make that trade, to paraphrase Benjamin Franklin, deserve neother freedom nor security.

The real irony here is that Obama’s own mother and father conceived him out of wedlock. Is it his belief that his birth was a punishment on his parents? And, based on his mother’s atheist beliefs and her extreme liberal view of the world, had the climate for abortion been as permissive then as it is today, would there even be a Barak Obama? Why should she have had to endure the punishment of unprotected sex?

#25On March 30th, 2008 at 1:43 pm, Charles B. Simpson said:
Here in Philadelphia, it is fine to kill an un-born child. It is also fine to kill a police officer and be given the death penalty, only to have it overturned. Obama is for abortion and giving murderers an easier sentance. Typical anti-American, democratic base way of reasoning. Our spineless Democrat Senator Casey agrees with Hussein right on down the line. How could anyone of good conscience be affiliated with such a irreverant, illogical, and insensitive organization as the Democrat Party?

And “punished with a baby” oh my, his daughter(s) must feel really wanted right about now… & yet teen suicide still remains a mystery.

#31On March 30th, 2008 at 2:32 pm, Marshall Russ said:
Obama’s pro-choice(including partial birth abortion)become issues if we pro-life advocates stand up and make it one.
BHO is like thread on a comfortable sweater, if you keep pulling on it you know it will come apart before too long.

#32On March 30th, 2008 at 2:52 pm, Pachyderm2 said:
It’s been a long day for me already so I suppose I must be missing an awful lot here…

First of all, what is stopping any parent including Mr. Obama from giving their children sex-ed information beyond simply values & morals? Why must he rely on someone else to provide information to prevent them from “making a mistake” and thus being “punished”? (Boy, his wording his really disgusting)

If he’d like to truly help his daughters (and any other person who thinks he’s a positive influence), he could say this:

“Okay Kids: Sex = Baby-Making (and quite possibly STD’s) If you don’t want a baby (or an STD), girls - keep your legs closed - boys, keep your pants zipped. If you choose to accept the consequences then adoption waiting lists are begging for your “mistake” and these families certainly won’t consider your “mistakes” as “punishment”. It may cause you to put your plans on the back burner for a few months but life is full of challenges that we sometimes make ourselves and even then you can still go to med school while you’re pregnant and following the adoption. Now, if STD’s don’t scare the bee-gee-bee’s out of you then there’s really no hope for you, the hand-out line starts to the left.”

See how easy that is.

Based on what he chooses to say, I cannot begin to imagine who he is attempting to appeal to and I am disgusted by those who find him appealing.

#33On March 30th, 2008 at 3:26 pm, mytake said:
Does he understand that this “punishment” is his grandchild? Doesn’t that at least require some consideration of the situation? On the other hand, he’s been relieved of the rethinking because his CHILD will go through this alone without parental consent or knowledge. That’s where the good sexual education comes in handy. Hopefully, it will alleviate her remorse. I’m sure she can get reassurance from her pastor that she is going to “Perversion of the Bible” heaven.

#39On March 30th, 2008 at 4:36 pm, Chief RZ said:
Punished!? The more this man speaks, the more he reveals about himself and his beliefs.

#40On March 30th, 2008 at 4:43 pm, almeehan said:
If a 16 year old has casual unprotected sex and gets pregnant. That’s not what she wanted to happen. If she gets an STD, that’s also not what she wanted to happen. These are two unwanted things that might happen.
If a person casually robs a bank, they might get shot. They didn’t want that to happen.
If a person overdoes on a dangerous drug, they may die. They didn’t want that to happen. These are two unwanted things that might happen.
If a liberal puts a condom on a banana will the gross national product increase? Obama baby you’ve got a lot of messed up help out there. Just hope there are more of us than them.

#42On March 30th, 2008 at 5:17 pm, right_on said:
Translation: birth control does not mean hating children. But of course you know this. Puffing up like a blowfish over this non-issue is just practice.
Dear Clueless,

Abortion is infanticide, pure and simple.

No one gets “puffed up” more about this issue, than do the “anything goes” liberals who want to keep this legalized form of murder, status quo.

For them, it is a viable choice for ridding themselves the (knowable) results from a night of carnal recklessness. Of course, it is an obvious result when one depends on the public school system to educate morality, and responsibility, or the lack thereof.

Personally, I feel the helpless should be protected from the bio-bullies that run rampant in this country. If there is a silver lining in all this, it is that at least these aborted babies, produced from the loins of the left, will not “punish” society with the expense of raising them.

#46On March 30th, 2008 at 6:50 pm, englishqueen01 said:
Sorry - don’t know what I hit to post early…

This breaks my heart. But Obama is so noble! So wonderful! How dare we question the secular messiah in his infinite wisdom!

“Information” is what he seeks, here’s what he’ll get:

Fertility is a natural, normal, and HEALTHY function of a human body. It is not a disease.

The *only* way a woman can get pregnant is if she has sex - with or without birth control.

A child who is created is uniquely human from conception - with his own DNA, etc. - who will develop into a unique individual. A child never *asked* to be created, but was created. A child develops faster into that individual than pro-aborts care to think (as in, it’s not a clump of cells until seconds before birth).

Abortion kills that individual. Abortion robs him of the most fundamental right of all: the right to life. Contrary to what liberals believe, there *is* no right to sex with whoever, whenever and for whatever reason. The right to “life” is listed in the Constitution - and for all their creative interpretations of that document, they conveniently ignore the most obvious ones.

And Obama supports the right of women to murder her child up to and including after birth (he voted against the Born Alive act, so that’s not hyperbole, folks).

He calls children punishments.

He disgusts me.

#48On March 30th, 2008 at 7:30 pm, meatpieandtatters said:
God help us anytime some bureaucrat starts characterizing our children as a burden. The last time this was in vogue Hilter was beginning to accumulate his power. The Chinese government leadership, evil in their hearts, are also quite famous for their controlled population efforts the consequences of which has also created a very profitable baby trade selling unwanted female children to American families.

#49On March 30th, 2008 at 7:53 pm, Jim M. said:
On March 30th, 2008 at 7:30 pm, meatpieandtatters said:
God help us anytime some bureaucrat starts characterizing our children as a burden.
That is precisely what the government did with Terri Schiavo. Her life was deemed not worth living, despite pleas from her immediate family to spare her life. The sentence meted out by the Florida courts was not a manner of death that would pass muster for a criminal under sentence of death or as a form of euthanasia for an animal.

And this occurs more often than people think. It is but one short step away from having the government determine whose life is worth living and whose life is not. A missing piece would be nationalized healthcare, where the government would be directly involved in life and death treatment decisions.

#50On March 30th, 2008 at 8:04 pm, Chief RZ said:
lgm. Disgust is for anyone who kills children. Liberals I believe would rather kill their babies when they can not see them (out of sight, out of mind). If they wait until they can see them, then they might also be charged with murder. What is the difference? None, except in their imagination, the definition of is.
What is life? Indeed. This statement by Mr. Obama indeed is about abortion. There are numerous birth control methods available for both men and women.

#51On March 30th, 2008 at 8:39 pm, rooster said:

It shows a great deal of ignorance and condescendence toward main street Americans, that a liberal always has to interpret what is meant by another liberals twisted speech.

This condescending attitude liberals have towards the majority of Americans destroys any credibility they may accidentally get off the backs of normal and faith based thinking citizens.

lgm, did you ever ask why your mamma gave birth to you when it would have been just as easy to rid herself of her mistake? Or maybe you could write your messiah, Obama and ask why his mother didn’t rid herself of her mistake.

I am not trying to take a cheap shot on you, but it is tiring always hearing a liberal explain why another lib is an idiot and that’s not what they meant to say, but he meant,….blah, blah, blah

#52On March 30th, 2008 at 8:45 pm, Mookie said:
lgm, did you ever ask why your mamma gave birth to you when it would have been just as easy to rid herself of her mistake? Or maybe you could write your messiah, Obama and ask why his mother didn’t rid herself of her mistake.
Rooster, there are such things as intentional, planned pregnancies by people who want to have children.

#53On March 30th, 2008 at 8:54 pm, sausage said:
Disgust is for anyone who kills children. Liberals I believe would rather kill their babies when they can not see them (out of sight, out of mind).
I agree. Abortion is totally abhorrent.

#56On March 30th, 2008 at 9:23 pm, shooter said:
“I am going to teach them first about values and morals,…”
With the ‘morals and values’ of b.hussein.obama , he probably does need to plan ahead for these very things.
The fact of his propensity for lies and deceit , his kids stand very little chance of growing up with any REAL values, values to Christians anyway.
Add mommabama’s disappointment and hatred in America and LOW income for every one else but her and liebama and you get???
Mad and sad systemic entitlement type social workers with afro-centric core beliefs should suit them just fine.
Pray for the obama kids, they will need it.
Stop obama for the rest of the kids in America as they too will need him aborted from this democracy, just in order to survive.

#57On March 30th, 2008 at 10:05 pm, englishqueen01 said:
Disgust comes easily to you when a Democrat is involved.
Yes, the Democrats *do* disgust me.

I could say the same thing about you and how you feel about 99% of what’s posted here.

What, exactly, about Obama’s positions do you find so admirable?

I think I have every right to be disgusted by Democrats who think it’s a “right” for me to kill my unborn child…

Especially Obama, who not only considers it a right at the earliest stages of pregnancy, but up to and including the abhorrent practice of partial-birth abortion, and even after a botched abortion where he voted against a law requiring a child to receive medical treatment if born alive.

Democrats always claim they are the compassionate ones. Yet that compassion does not seem to extend to the womb or to an infant struggling to survive. Do you know what they do with those “botched” abortion babies? They’re left to die - on shelves, in plastic bags.

If that doesn’t disgust and horrify you, check your pulse. How is that a right? If I did that to my child, it’d be abuse.

So if you have a problem with the fact I won’t kowtow at Obama’s feet and thank him for being such a rabid supporter of 1.3 million deaths annually, fine. That’s your issue. But I’m not going to vote now - or ever - for a politician who extols the glories of abortion like Obama does.

And his comments cannot be taken in any other context than babies = punishment because Obama - in his infinite wisdom - should know that sex (even with contraception) isn’t failsafe. And a majority of children who are aborted were conceived when the woman was using contraception. I hope someone is around to tell his grandkids he sees them as a burden unless they’re carefully planned and structured into his daughter’s lives.

It’s a nice, neat curricular argument. Contraceptive sex = pregnancy = abortion = “women’s rights” = votes for pro-aborts like Obama. And it’s one that I’m smart enough not to buy. Too bad you are.

#58On March 30th, 2008 at 10:07 pm, englishqueen01 said:
Oh, and by the way - there is never a thing as an “unwanted” child. Just an unplanned one.

How selfish are we as a culture when children are classified as “unwanted.”

Talk to the parents I know who can’t have kids of their own who’d love to adopt. Tell them children are ever “unwanted” when they work so hard to save money to adopt even one child.

If I had the means, I would adopt as many children as I could. In my eyes, they are all worthy of love and I want all of them to have an opportunity at life.

But I guess that just makes me some heartless conservative, huh?

#64On March 31st, 2008 at 5:29 am, graysonret said:
Originally, I used to support abortion, but that was in my naive, gullible days. The more I learned about it, and the techniques used, the more I became disgusted and horrified over it and being in the medical field, I’ve seen my share of horror and disgust. I have always wondered when a baby goes from a “piece of tissue” to a human being, protected by law; it’s obviously not at birth, since failed aborted live babies are dumped. So if a baby is born and the mother kills it, that’s murder, but if the government does it, it’s an abortion? “Roe vs Wade” was passed to “protect a woman’s right to privacy”. Well, I’ve searched all over the Constitution, and I can’t find one “privacy” word or right, in there. Must have a few copies of a misprinted edition, I guess. It all shows how low in morals and values, the country has become, when we applaud the killing of babies, in the fictious “right to privacy”.

#65On March 31st, 2008 at 5:49 am, gayle said:
Speaking from past experience ….it is an unforgettable frozen moment in time.

You NEVER get over it and the guilt remains. You pray and the memory still haunts you.

Only in extreme circumstances should an abortion occur.

All children belong to GOD first and are loaned to us to look after and prepare for HIS word.

#66On March 31st, 2008 at 7:44 am, terrig said:
Wow, I don’t view babies as punishments but I guess it’s just my crazy, right wing, pro life self according to all the dims and the trolls on this site who are so much smarter than the rest of us or so they think. Again, I beg the troll in chief to go to med school so he can perform these “procedures” he’s so thrilled about and that he praises.
#68On March 31st, 2008 at 7:52 am, misterbee241 said:
Punished with a baby, huh? That’s typical liberal thinking.
My concern is this nation might get punished with Obama. We’re certainly overdue for a Divine Judgment. We’ve killed what, 40-50 million of our own? And about to elect a politician who has no problem with that? God have mercy on us.

##71On March 31st, 2008 at 8:42 am, Ron Rockstar said:
lgm, you said the most literal reading of Obamas comments meant that he was stating abortion wasn’t an option. You have a comprehension problem. He was responding to a woman who said “stop these abortions”. I have two twin daughters and they were not punishment. Maybe what he was saying is that having black children is a punishment and it is a black thing that typical white people don’t understand. Besides that you can’t believe a thing the liar has to say. And yes he is a known liar. He tells the folks in America that NAFTA is bad and then he calls Canada and says “don’t believe that”. That’s just what I tell the rubes in the democrat party. Now swallow lgm, you have kool-aid running down your chin.
Dammit, man. IS there a point in all that?

Can you sum it up in a concise sentence so I don't have to shoot myself trying to read that shit?
Dammit, man. IS there a point in all that?

Can you sum it up in a concise sentence so I don't have to shoot myself trying to read that shit?

Jollie thinks that Obama characterizing having a baby at 16 as "punishment" for "making a mistake" is the end of his campaign because, you know, all those pro-life single-issue voters that vote on the basis of a candidate's stance on abortion were clamoring to vote for the Democrat this year.