Notre Dame

cancel2 2022

Such a pity about Notre Dame...They won't be able to continue the 3 year campanology internship a tradition where people from all over the world learned to peal the bells of Notre Dame. It was originally started by Quasimodo. Shortly after Quasimodo's death a pair of identical twins were accepted into the school. One of the twins couldn't wait to ring the biggest bell of all. Unlike British cathedrals and churches where there are wooden platforms with holes in and the bell ropes go through the holes and hang down onto the Belfry, in Notre Dame they didn't have a platform so you could see all of the bells from where the ropes ended.

Anyway one of the twins pulled hard on the rope and was hoisted up and as there was no platform found himself flying all the way up to bell where he hit it full on with his face and then fell like a stone and was killed outright on the belfry floor. People gathered around and someone asked "Who was he?" to which someone else replied "I dunno but his face rings a bell"

His twin brother whilst upset also wanted to ring the same bell in honour of his dead brother and without hesitation grabbed the rope and pulled on it and unbelievably did exactly the same thing as his twin brother. Hit the bell and fell to his death. The same crowd gathered once again and the same question was asked yet again "Who is he?" To which the same person replied; "He is a dead ringer for his brother."