Now that Canada is a fascist dictatorship, is it safe to own stock in Canadian compan

Text Drivers are Killers

Joe Biden - "Time to put Trump in the bullseye."
I own a number of gold and silver miners in canada and am thinking of selling. Trouble is many such stocks are based in canada . Newmont Mining is a giant in the industry and is HQed in denver. That might be a safe choice.
I own a number of gold and silver miners in canada and am thinking of selling. Trouble is many such stocks are based in canada . Newmont Mining is a giant in the industry and is HQed in denver. That might be a safe choice.

You own miners in Canada? I knew they were Fascists, but now they allow slavery, too? :eek:

I'd advise selling. You know the Fascists are using their "emergency powers" to freeze assets and seize property as we speak, and they're doxxing anyone who supports freedom.

BTW, they are making these powers of surveillance permanent.
Yeah it's really looking ugly up there. Turdo might nationalize every company in the country!! I really think PM miners are a great play but there are not many big ones outside of canada.
I own a number of gold and silver miners in canada and am thinking of selling. Trouble is many such stocks are based in canada . Newmont Mining is a giant in the industry and is HQed in denver. That might be a safe choice.

Hitler, Mao, Stalin and others were fascists. Explain to me how they are being fascists like them.
Call me when this happens. Don't worry it'll be through an interpreter for the deaf.

I own a number of gold and silver miners in canada and am thinking of selling. Trouble is many such stocks are based in canada . Newmont Mining is a giant in the industry and is HQed in denver. That might be a safe choice.

They might nationalize all the businesses so I would get the fuck out as quick as I could. Justine Hitler there just doesn't give a shit anymore. Shes tired of pretending.