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Among tRump's out reach of deranged suggestions, suggesting that his first mistress girl Ivanka be his running mate because she's beautiful in his demonic eyes, also suggests that the imposter tRump has reached a new level of his type of odious deranged nature. It would be great to have a legitimate POTUS in compliance with U.S. Constitutional law as a result of four years with a lawlessly hacked in tyrant who has caused many of his sold out kissers to lose their soul and destroyed the republican party in the process. Obviously that experiment to lawlessly power grab an election in violation of U.S. Constitutional law in the devil's favor was not a success from a civilized perspective but a curse on humanity with over 200,000 dead Americans that represents that curse of the tRump COVID-19 pestilence that unwittingly came with the un American tRump atrocity on humanity. ‘She Is Beautiful’: Trump Repeatedly Suggested Ivanka As His Running Mate: WaPo